Human instinct tells us that when we see a toy, We want to open it. That’s why old toys still in their boxes are so valuable.Everyone who bought it as a child Open and play with them, making products still in packaging even rarer. But what if there were toys that went against that instinct? Toys are not for playing with.Toy designed to display Is the packaging as experiential as the characters themselves, if not more?
That is Exactly the type of toy Produced by artist Adam Perocchi. Perocchi is a New England resident and native who creates art in the form of toys, packaging, and more under the moniker Readful Things. It was a way for him to explore his love of pop culture, as well as sculpture and painting. “I have been drawing since I was a child [and] I started sculpting about eight years ago,” Perocchi told io9. “I wanted a way to combine my sculptures with my art, so I thought card action figures would be a great way to combine the two. . ” He does this almost every day now, working on five or six pieces at a time, sculpting figures and creating artwork for packaging.
Perocchi covers all types of topics, from classic pop culture to new pop culture and even sometimes something more specific. “Occasionally I’ll do something that’s in the current pop culture internet zeitgeist (fried pancakes, Star Wars crystal beeretc.), these will supersede everything else,” he said. In this slideshow, you’ll see some of them. We’ve handpicked Perocchi’s incredible body of work, spanning a variety of genres, eras, and more .and to see more, You can visit his Instagram There he exhibited most of his works, Or his official websitewho occasionally makes art without toys.