TouchArcade Game of the Week: “Suika Game” – TouchArcade

Well, this is a weird question for a few different reasons. First, water painting game Not exactly new. It launched on Nintendo Switch in Japan back in 2021, but some famous gaming streamers discovered it last year and made it a hit in the country, quickly making its way to the North American eShop. Considering the gameplay, a mobile version seemed like a no-brainer, and an official iOS version launched in Japan in January of this year. Earlier this month, the iOS version was quietly updated with English support and rolled out to more countries, but we weren’t aware of it until last week. I guess we’re not quite on the cutting edge yet, are we?

Except it’s not technically a “new” version water painting game The choice of Game of the Week is also a bit strange since we only picked it last month Galaxy Blend As our game of the week, a game openly and proudly inspired by water painting game And did their best to put their own unique twist on the “merging large spherical objects” formula. In fact, Galaxy Blend Very good and does have some cool features that are included in the water painting game appropriate.However, as someone who hasn’t played the original on Switch, nor the slightly lame web-based version, this week was my first taste of the actual game water painting gameI have to say… I think I like it better.

There are just some physical differences water painting game compared to Galaxy Blend and similar titles. It’s hard to explain, but we’ve been bouncing back and forth between these two games all week, comparing and contrasting them, and they definitely feel completely different.While power-ups and combo scores Galaxy Blend It’s the simplicity that sets it apart, I prefer its purity water painting game. It’s a no-frills high-score chaser, the lack of combos meant I couldn’t accidentally create a tricky situation for myself trying to set up a massive chain reaction, and there weren’t any power-ups to keep me focused on What’s in the can on space management, part of me isn’t hoping I’ll get out of this with a lucky power boost.

On the other hand, it’s only fair to point out what I think Galaxy Blend better than doing water painting game. That said, it’s about control. Galaxy Blend There’s a relative touch scheme, which means you can drag anywhere on the screen to move your little aiming line. This is fine if you want to take your hands off and see what’s going on and then take action.exist water painting game The sight lines snap to wherever you touch on the screen, so on more than one occasion I found myself taking my thumb off the screen to plan my next move, only to have the sights snap to a spot I hadn’t anticipated while doing it. . Putting my thumb back in place to make that movement dropped the fruit where I didn’t want it. This really messes up the game, but it’s a fairly minor nitpick and I’m starting to get used to it. Still, the relative contact option remains the most popular.

a cool option water painting game That’s not there Galaxy Blend Play around with the scenery if you want. This solves the problem I mentioned above to some extent, because in landscape mode you can control the game using virtual buttons, either using the movement arrows and drop-down buttons on either side of the game area, or using the left or right side of the game area All controls on the side to control ambidextrous gameplay for two-hand scenery play. Obviously, the game is inherently suited to portrait orientation given the shape of the play area, and you’d have to be a borderline psychopath to want to play in landscape mode, but I appreciate that this option is for all the sicko types out there. I’m kidding, I’m kidding.

I do think both games are different enough that they will find a permanent place on my phone for the foreseeable future, but after getting addicted to them Galaxy Blend For a month in a row, I exhausted myself, water painting game Offers a nice change of pace while still having a “one more go” gameplay that’s easy to pick up and play, but hard to put down. OMG, this is like every mobile game cliché, but I stand by it.if you are a Galaxy Blend Fans I think it’s worth spending a few bucks to check out OG if you are water painting game If you’re a hardcore gamer, it’s worth spending some money to see what the competition has to offer. One thing’s for sure, we’re well served by the “merge large spherical objects” genre on mobile devices, and I’m not complaining.In the end, this post is mostly a comparison between two specific games, as that’s my opinion from a personal perspective, but for a more general view water painting game For its part, check out our reviews and maybe even learn a thing or two with our tips and tricks guide.

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