Dragon’s Dogma 2 It’s only been out for a week, but Capcom is already looking at the possibility of adding content to the game in the future.Action role-playing games have gained widespread popularity Highly praised (And, yes, there’s no shortage of player dissatisfaction), it looks like the game publisher may want to continue the friction-filled fantasy adventure. In a user survey, Capcom is surveying players about their interest in potential DLC for the game.
this opinion pollthe first thing discovered is gas chromatographyasking players a few questions about their experience Dragon’s Dogma 2, from the platforms they play on to the gaming content they enjoy. One of the questions asked players if they would be interested in purchasing DLC for the game “if additional content were to be released.” Options include “Yes”, “No” and “It depends on price”. If you choose the last option, you’ll be asked how much you’re willing to pay for future DLC, with possible answers ranging from $10 to over $50. 2012 Dragon’s Dogma did receive additional content in the form of Dragon’s Dogma: Darkness Risesis an expanded version of the game that adds more weapons, armor, and new dungeons, so there’s a precedent for games in the series to receive some form of post-launch content.
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Just released Dragon’s Dogma 2Currently, Capcom has not announced official plans for DLC, but surveys suggest the company is considering it. Reviews of the game have been mostly positive, highlighting the game’s mechanics and narrative depth, which provide players with meaningful friction.However, this friction has caused quite a bit of discussion, with many players discovering systems like limited fast travel and pawn infection viruses Dragon Plague So unfriendly. In addition, players have left negative reviews for the game due to the following content: microtransactionsalthough many players pointed out that the game’s design and economy don’t force you to make these unnecessary purchases.
Players can fill out the user survey before April 21, and those who complete it can download the wallpaper for free.Personally, I just wish there were more shots real meat Being cooked.