Boss’ bizarre advice to fired employees sends internet into shock

Last updated: April 1, 2024 3:22 pm (IST)

Employees question whether their boss is deliberately mocking them.  (representative picture)

Employees question whether their boss is deliberately mocking them. (representative picture)

The boss casually chatted about an upcoming family trip and even asked about the fired employee’s vacation plans.

Reddit has become a popular platform for individuals to share workplace stories, both positive and negative. One of the stories that garnered attention revolved around a surprising interaction between a boss and a recently fired employee. Titled “‘Why don’t you go on vacation?’ An exciting conversation with the boss,” the person recounts a strange conversation with his boss who, immediately after firing the employee, nonchalantly discussed his upcoming departure to another Family trip to China. Things didn’t end there. The boss even asked the fired employee about his vacation plans and suggested that he take a break, relax and spend more time with his children. This insensitive exchange made employees wonder if the boss was unaware of the situation or Deliberately mocking them.

Sharing the post, the user wrote: “Actually got fired from the owner of the business and during the conversation he mentioned that he was going to another continent with his partner and kids over the summer. “Anyway,” He said. “What are your plans for the summer vacation? Where will you go?” “Well, nowhere to go?” ? ” “how come? ? ? ? You should go on vacation. It seems like you are really stressed. You have to go somewhere to relax and take care of your kids. “You literally told me I wouldn’t have a job in a week. I really don’t know if he was being incredibly stupid or making fun of me. Whatever the fuck.”

Some Reddit users slammed the boss and shared similar experiences of their own.

Commenting on the post, one user wrote: “They live in a different plane of reality than us.”

Another shared, “One year I got a 0% raise and a small bonus at a company. My boss asked me what I wanted to buy with it.”

One person suggested: “Why don’t you honestly tell your boss, ‘You have something stupid in your head or math just doesn’t work. I can’t afford it because you fired me, you idiot.'”

“It seems like most boss types forget how little they pay their employees and how bad inflation is. My boss recently took two weeks off and then had the guts to come back and tell us how great it was and how great we all needed it” Take the time to “go somewhere special,” one comment read.

Another wrote: “Chronically wealthy people suffer from mental disorders that make them disconnected from reality and a danger to others around them.”

Since the post was shared on Reddit, it has received more than 2,000 likes.

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