Everything you need to know about Cyclops’s optical explosion

Photo Optical Explosion titled

image: John Cassady, Laura Martin and Chris Eliopoulos/Marvel Comics

Scott emits pure, ruby-colored concussive energy from his eyes, which he projects continuously every time he opens his eyes. Often referred to as an “optical shockwave,” this energy beam can create incredible force behind it. Just like ordinary people can focus their eyes, Scott can focus his own eyes to manipulate the power and size of the shockwave’s aperture. , allowing him to do anything from slice through objects (and enemies) with powerful thin beams, or cover large areas with concussive energy at long range.they can incredible Powerful, capable of leveling sentries or punching holes in mountains, or they can be relatively benign, knocking down or otherwise incapacitating his enemies – or, as we’ve seen in X-Men ’97‘s opening episodeallowing Scott to do things like soften air landings or glide around the battlefield.

This also means, no, they are no Heat ray. The kinetic energy created by Scott’s beam does not generate heat directly, but due to the sheer force of its impact (and because the beam moves over decades and decades) decades Cartoons, occasionally described and presented as if they Do Producing heat (writers and artists are human and therefore imperfect sometimes!), they can cause burns or ignite sparks through the friction from an explosion (especially a sustained one). It’s not heat vision like Superman, though, and it never has been.

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