Kids Are Troubled by the Internet – Eagle Eye

There is no doubt that a lot of kids are online.

As the trend of parents giving their children iPads to provide unrestricted access to the Internet continues to grow, a large number of Gen Alpha are addicted to their devices. The internet is buzzing with kids, from little boys parroting their favorite “alpha male” podcasts to little girls obsessed with skincare and looking young.

When I was younger, I also had unrestricted access to the internet, but it looked a lot different. I won’t chat with strangers on Omegle or watch nerve-wracking “kid-friendly” content. Instead, I created multiple YouTube channels and played hacked Roblox games. My experience was uneventful, but that’s only because the internet wasn’t as damaging to kids back then as it is now.

“CoCoMelon” is one of the most popular children’s shows that Generation Alpha is addicted to, and this is likely not an honest mistake on the part of the company. The show is overly exciting and fast paced.A show like this can reason Young children can develop terrible attention span and behavioral problems. Scenes change quickly so their attention is focused on the show and they feel uneasy when they have to stop watching. Older children’s shows like “My Little Pony” and “Sesame Street” are slower-paced and healthier for children’s minds.

In recent years, teachers have complained on social media about the poor performance and learning difficulties of Generation Alpha students.professionals and older generations their fingers Overuse of technology and poor parenting among millennials.

2023, Reading and Mathematics Score dropped The share of 13-year-olds has increased significantly compared to the past decade. The less time a child spends on screens, the lower Their language skills are. These statistics are concerning and reflect a lack of understanding among many Millennials about the impact of technology overuse on their children. It would be unwise to assume that devices can educate and nurture children in the same way humans do, an idea that has gained traction among Generation Z (Gen Z).

Strangers on the Internet can also harm children. Unrestricted internet access allows children to read or say anything they want to anyone in the world; without learning internet safety, an unsuspecting 6-year-old can visit any website and tell strangers their home address and full name. Such behavior can put a child in a worse situation where they don’t know what they did wrong.

There are no internet restrictions and children have access to everything online, good or bad. Bad content includes pornographic content and horrific gory videos, which can harm the undeveloped mind.

Omegle was a popular website that ran from 2009 to 2023 that allowed users to turn on their cameras and pair up with strangers for video chats. There are a lot of kids on this site, and a surplus of little ones. reason Omegle was shut down last year amid a lawsuit over facilitating child sexual abuse. Although the site no longer exists, other sites and apps still allow private chats between strangers.

Every generation of children before Gen Z grew up without widespread internet access, so it doesn’t make sense for a new generation to grow up on flashy, over-stimulating devices with knowledge of the world at their fingertips. Parents of young children need to take notes from previous generations and raise their children in real life, not through screens.

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