FF7 Rebirth Mushroom Picking Tips You Can’t Mess Up

Final Fantasy VII Reborn is an epic role-playing game full of heroism and evil, set in a huge fantasy worldoverflowing with exciting tasks Where would you… pick mushrooms? Well, sometimes Claude and his colleagues need to find random odd jobs to fund their efforts to save the world. Picking mushrooms for Cisne (who is apparently a terrible cook) in the “Spice of Life” sidequest is one of those really weird jobs.

like the most FF7 reborn The mission, “The Spice of Life” is quite simple. Follow the dog, kill something, get some salt, and pick some mushrooms. That last part is tricky: Mushroom picking puzzles are easy to mess up if you’re not paying attention.

Let’s start by looking at how to pick the perfect magunga mushrooms, assuming this is the part you’re having trouble with. After the mushrooms, I’ll discuss some tips for other parts of the quest (like those damn jellyfish-like monsters).

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Mushroom hunting 101

I’ve seen enough episodes survivor Be aware that mushroom hunting is dangerous. But unlike Les Stroud, Claude has a chocobo with a nose that can catch the world-famous magunga mushrooms. You must pick 3 types of mushrooms for the Spice of Life, each of which requires your chocobo to sniff out the location.

Unfortunately, our green-feathered companions sometimes take a while. You need to hold down the “Up” key on the D-Pad for a while. If it takes too long, try moving on the back of the chocolate for a while and sniffing the air again. After a while, a golden trail will appear, leading you to those mushrooms. Once you find them, it’s time to start picking.This is Final Fantasy VII Rebornwhich means we are looking for Another little game!

The concept of mushroom picking is fairly simple, but the practice can be tricky. You’ll be asked to bend the mushroom at several different angles to determine its weakest point to its strongest point. You’ll use R2 to select each angle from weakest to strongest, then hold L2 and R2 to pick mushrooms after you’ve selected the correct order.

Identify the hardest part first

when you need choose Start with the weakest part of the mushroom, I find it’s best to find out which part is the toughest so you can eliminate the possibility of choosing that part. You can rotate the left analog stick at will to see how flexible each part of the mushroom is. Once you’ve identified the area with the least bend, ignore that area and start calculating which of the remaining angles has the most bend.

GIF: Square Enix/Claire Jackson/Kotaku

After figuring out the stiffest part of the mushroom, I like to rotate the analog stick to sweep over the remaining areas, paying close attention to where the mushroom bends the most. Once you’ve figured that out, start pulling mushrooms by selecting them in order from weakest to strongest, and hopefully you’ve been successful.

This can be tricky. Honestly, if you just want to save it, plant a tough save before each mushroom.Unfortunately, there are no preset combinations for each type of mushroom, so I couldn’t just Tell You can specify the order in which this operation is performed. But excluding the strictest direction first is the surest way.

What about those damn jellyfish?

Oh yeah, this stuff sucks. Gorgon Manes, which look like giant flying jellyfish, top the list of the most painful enemies. rebirth.They are virtually invulnerable to attack while moving and moving Attack them with melee It’s hard – they always feel only Out of reach.

Cloud attacks an enemy that looks like a jellyfish while flying through the air.

screenshot: Square Enix/Claire Jackson/Kotaku

fire They’ll take care of it pretty quickly, though, so I recommend getting Aerith and Yuffie to join your party.give Alice anything Material This will fill up her ATB gauge quickly and rely on Yuffie’s fire ninjutsu to deal with these monsters.

Cloud isn’t a bad ranged fighter either. You need to use circles to dodge, then immediately start tapping or holding squares. Clicking will see Yun shoot a beam from his sword, while holding his bearings will send him flying towards enemies, fighting in mid-air.

“Spice of Life” may have a frustrating little game, but it’s a fun game to play with our friends (and Typical correct romantic choice) Alice. If you mess up the mushroom picking part, you won’t see any difference in your mission rewards, but a 100% run will require you to pick the perfect mushroom. However, once you complete the game, you can restart any and all side missions.

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