Micro-drama has become a new type of drama on the Internet

Micro-drama has become a new type of drama on the Internet

The forum at the 11th China Internet Audio and Video Conference brought together industry professionals to discuss the innovation and diversity of micro-drama, which is currently booming in China.

Industry professionals said at a forum at the recent 11th China Internet Audio and Video Conference that Chinese miniseries have experienced significant growth and innovative development.

In addition to encouraging high-quality content creation, the booming development of genres also provides technology verification scenarios for the Chinese entertainment industry.

Feng Shengyong, an official from the State Administration of Radio and Television, said that original micro dramas should resonate well with today’s audiences and inspire people to understand the spirit of the times and the trends of the times.

Many high-quality micro-series are emerging and becoming popular on China’s streaming media platforms.

Wang Juan, vice president of Tencent Video, said that it will increase support for such themes.

Micro-drama has become a new type of drama on the Internet

Poster for the miniseries “Anti-Fraud”.

Micro-drama has become a new type of drama on the Internet

The poster read “Get ready for love.”

“The popularity of micro-drama has provided the industry with new innovation opportunities,” Wang said. “In the long run, the long-term development of micro-drama is based on the support of high-quality content. We will cooperate with more talented creators to create more excellent works.”

They will also continue to explore the creation of artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) micro-drama to help industry technology development and capability upgrades.

At the same time, Tencent Video has cooperated with many cities in China to jointly launch a nationwide plan to integrate micro-drama with culture and tourism. Many TV series filming locations have the opportunity to become popular destinations.

More and more excellent Chinese micro-dramas will also go global, spreading Chinese stories and showcasing the splendid and diverse Chinese culture.

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