The Best Gaming Podcast Ever is a game show in which three completely normal and socially acceptable panelists must find the best games in special categories, such as “Best Games with a Breakfast Buffet” or “With Plenty of Destruction” The best game for behavior”. They must submit their choices to our host Jim, who will use his powers to decide the winner. But there’s plenty of office politics, backstabbing, and metagame involved, making this gentle group game fraught with real dangers.
Nowadays, overwhelming consensus about a game can serve as this great opinion hammer, used by the masses to defeat weirdos, wildcards, and those with loud voices and bad taste. By aggregating review scores into one sparkling number, a game can be effectively ranked with a super score that will forever be etched on its tombstone. A positive score might be a glowing eulogy, while a negative score traps the game in a perpetual cycle of being bashed.
But there are some missing ones! Games that weren’t loved, or maybe still aren’t loved, but were really great! You may have a personal favorite or two that fall into this category. After all, a lot of it is personal taste, and what may work for you may not work for thousands of other perfectly sane gamers. The result is a pantheon of losers. In the eyes of many, these games may not have the luster of historical classics, but in the hands of a few they are gems.
So, what are the best games that are actually good even though a lot of people hate it? Doesn’t it sound a bit like Garfield? To find out, watch or listen to our esteemed panel of experts debate it for about an hour via your favorite media below!
Watch video version best game ever here:
Just because someone on Twitter says a game sucks doesn’t mean it’s bad
Listen to the audio version best game ever here:
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Please stay tuned for the new episode best game ever Every Friday. Subscribe on VG247 or wherever you get your podcasts:
Special thanks to David Bulmer Performing “Jim’s Theme”.