2023 data shows most people are playing older games

The latest game industry report released by market research organization Newzoo shows that although the PC and console market will grow by 2.6% in 2023, as players spend less and less on old games (such as fortnite and League of Legends.

April 2, Newzoo releases second annual gaming industry report, including a wealth of data and information about what games people are playing and spending money on in 2023. The PC and console gaming market continues to grow and will reach $93.5 billion in revenue in 2023, according to Newzoo. This may seem like good news, but drilling down into the data, it’s clear it’s only good news for a handful of publishers and developers.

Newzoo’s data shows that the top 10 games on each platform (ranked by average monthly active users (MAU)) are all veteran games. fortnite Win the title on all platforms including Switch and PC.The rest of the list has titles that won’t surprise you, such as Grand Theft Auto V, Counter-Strike 2, Roblox, Minecraft, Rocket League, Apex Legends, Autumn guy, brave, and call of Duty. Across Xbox and Playstation consoles, only one dedicated single-player game cracked the top ten: starry sky.

Screenshots of the top games of 2023. screenshot: Newzoo/Kotaku

As further proof that gamers primarily focus on older games, Newzoo data shows that in 2023, only 66 games accounted for 80% of all gaming time. 60% of that gaming time is spent on games that are 6 years old or older. In fact, in 2023, five old games-“Fortnite”, “Roblox”, “League of Legends”, “Minecraft”, and Grand Theft Auto V—Accounting for 27% of all gaming time throughout the year.

Things get worse. In 2023, 23% of gaming time will be spent on new games (defined as 2 years old or younger), and more than half of that will be spent on the year’s big sequels, such as the latest Madden Or an NBA game.Only 8% of video game time is spent on non-annual new games, e.g. Diablo 4 or Baldur’s Gate III.

While Newzoo’s report does note that you can still succeed in this environment, the reality is that players are spending less time on new games and more on already established franchises and live-service games Time is increasing, making it harder for players to succeed. Publishers and developers find audiences.That’s because unlike a few decades ago, you’re not just competing against the hot new games on the shelves, but also against giants like fortnite and Robloxa completely free game with countless content created by its users.

“Growing a gamer’s player base will become increasingly challenging, especially in our current environment where evergreen games and strong content pipelines dominate,” Newzoo said in the report. In other words, if you don’t have Good luck making a big sequel, a remake, or an annual installment of some hit series.


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