Try Grimhook for free and see if you want to wishlist the full version

A slow week in gaming news

Are you a fan of first-person platformers but haven’t tried Grimhook yet? It’s free on Steam and has just received a few patches, so why not give it a try? If you’ve played the game, the good news is that developer Unlimited Fries is looking to make it a full game. The more people who play the roughly 25-minute free version, the more likely we are to see the full version. As the name suggests, you’re equipped with a grappling hook that helps you navigate the environment and destroy any evil robots that get in your way.

As you progress you’ll gain access to some pretty creepy-looking powers, as well as star wall jumps, double jumps, and various other tentacle-enhancing moves. Free is always great, so let’s see if we can help take what was originally designed as a student play improv, and turn it into a full-fledged game in just over a week.

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