Is there hope for a tech billionaire to build a new city in California?


photo: Philip Pacheco/Bloomberg (Getty Images)

Less than a year ago, we learned that a group of Bay Area tech billionaires were aiming to create an entirely new city on thousands of acres of California farmland.So-called California Forever ProjectOriginally announced last August, it attracted worldwide attention with its divine ambition and impressive financial backing. With support from the likes of Marc Andreessen and Reid Hoffman, the project had ample funding and a veritable army of overtime workers to ensure that this pipe dream concept became a Reality.

But can they succeed? To be honest, the outlook looks bleak. For one thing, no private group has built a city from scratch since…I’m not sure when. On the other hand, if the people behind the project are known for their ability to build wealth, they are not known for their keen realism. After all, half of them have spent years telling us how cool cryptocurrencies are.

That said, they seem to be so serious about getting the project done that you can’t help but believe them. As the development of the project approaches a critical moment, we decided to take a look back at everything that has happened so far. Here’s a brief overview of the California Forever project’s progress to date and where it might go.

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