Drew Goddard is great, but his ‘Matrix’ needs to be special to avoid being what ‘Resurrection’ warned against

The fifth installment of The Matrix surprised everyone with its release, while Resurrection also performed rather underwhelming at the box office (admittedly affected by its HBO Max release date). In addition, the Wachowski sisters will not serve as writers or directors on the film. Drew Goddard is an amazing filmmaker who could crack a killer film, but how likely is it to actually happen? get creators’ deeply personal universes, rather than falling into the trap The Matrix: Resurrection warned audiences about?

The news came via an official press release from Warner Bros. Discovery Channel (via Variety ), so it’s not exactly a rumor. It’s happening for real, and it’s likely to be made soon, as Goddard is a very effective and hard-working screenwriter.

Today, Goddard is better known as the man behind the Oscar-nominated screenplay adaptation of The Martian and the director of The Cabin in the Woods, arguably one of the coolest modern horror movies. Additionally, his TV credits include numerous episodes of Lost (including some of the series’ best episodes) as well as cracking the original Daredevil series for Marvel and Netflix. As the kids say: He has juice.

But how much effort do you have to make a Wachowski-less sequel to The Matrix? Some may argue that Reloaded and Revolutions weren’t super great (or that they were downright terrible), and if you look at the available data, 2021’s Resurrection was a far cry from most critics and audiences. Said it seemed “not bad”. Viewed from this perspective, The Matrix is ​​not a perfect film series that needs to be protected at all costs. However, this is a larger story with strong links to the original architects.

“Drew came to Warner Bros. with a new idea that we all believed would be an incredible way to continue the world of The Matrix, while respecting what Lana and Lily started 25 years ago and building on His own love of The Matrix provides a unique perspective on the series and the characters,” Jesse Ellman, president of production at Warner Bros. Pictures, said in a statement. In fact, Lana Wachowski will oversee the project as executive producer (no word on Keanu Reeves, though). Sounds good, right?

The Matrix Reloaded

Image Source: Warner Bros. Pictures

That’s it. I don’t have any strong feelings about Raiders of the Lost Ark, but it actually received a pretty good response from critics and audiences, was endorsed by Steven Spielberg, and was produced by Lucasfilm. Supervised by longtime Raiders of the Lost Ark producer Kathleen Kennedy. However, a common criticism is that James Mangold (who is a very good director) is not Spielberg, which immediately makes the well-intentioned fifth installment feel “weird” when placed next to the other four films. It’s not a matter of quality (which most felt was tainted by Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), but of a clear change in visual language and pacing in the latest installment. Additionally, its box office performance fell far short of Disney’s expectations, possibly due to the huge generation gap.

Whatever you think of the Matrix sequels, they undoubtedly feel special, different, and deeply relevant to Lana and Lily Wachowski’s own experiences, although the universe demands that they be played in the right The lens explores and expands further, but it’s hard to imagine anyone else capturing the sensibility that shaped its foundation. I’m a huge supporter of Drew Goddard, and even I have reservations about this. I want to wish you good luck?

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