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Before Disney’s acquisition Star Wars, Two brands start their courtship by hitchhiking. interstellar journey Opened in 1987, it has witnessed Many new upgrades and additions over the years.This week, because Season of the Force Events, Disney is making the rides look new again. This time, for the first time, it’s with Disney+ characters.

So, starting today, if you’re at Disneyland, Walt Disney World, or Disneyland Paris, interstellar journey The current role comes from Andorra Asoka and The Mandalorian. But what’s new? How does it work? io9 is one of a group of journalists invited by Disney to attend an early preview of the new film interstellar journey at Disneyland in Anaheim, so we’ll explain.

how many new interstellar journey What are the locations?

Despite what you might have assumed otherwise, only one new complete planet has been added interstellar journey This time: Seatos via Ahsoka. However, there are three different variations. One starring Ahsoka (Rosario Dawson reprising the role) and one starring Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) recast) and another co-starring The Mandalorian and Grogu.

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image: Lucasfilm

What might happen with the new interstellar journey?

So, you get in your car and start driving out of the spaceport. This may be where your first new change comes in.In the past, riders would typically see millennium falcon There he sits when the ship is stopped by Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, or a probe droid. While it’s more likely than not that this will happen, if you happen to see a new boat there, you’ll know exactly where that particular journey will take you.

yes, in some interstellar journey Not only is Ahsoka Tano aboard the T-6 Jedi shuttle in the first scene, but you can also see Ahsoka herself in the picture. She was talking to the stormtroopers, and when they discovered the rebel spy, Ahsoka turned on her lightsaber, fought the stormtroopers, and jumped aboard.

If you see this, you can impress your friends and tell them what happens next. After you’ve visited one of the many planets you’ve flown on previously (I did it twice on Friday, both times podracing on Tatooine) Episode 1), you will then receive one of three new transfers. However, if you got Ahsoka’s ship at the beginning, you’ll definitely get Ahsoka at this point. She’ll say “Hi” to C-3PO, excited to see her friend R2-D2 again, and then ask for the delivery of a very important figure – a Rebel spy. As she talks, we see Chopper and Hu Yang playing pranks in the background.

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image: Lucasfilm

What are the other two transmissions?

These transfers are part of this new interstellar journey This will be the most random. If you don’t get Ahsoka, maybe you get The Mandalorian and Grogu. While Mando (who doesn’t sound like Pedro Pascal, but we asked Disney to confirm) talks about dangerous missions and battles, Grogu is eating one of his frogs. Then he spits it out and it floats towards your face in 3D. It’s very cute and funny, and just when the one-eyed creature gets close enough to almost touch it, Grogu sucks him back. “That’s it,” Mando says, and you begin the final part of the mission.

Note: Unfortunately, we didn’t see the Cassian’s transmission, but from what we can tell, its tone is quite different from the other two, and that’s intentional. Ahsoka is friendly, Mando is funny, and Cassian is mysterious. He wears a hood and lurks in the shadows before revealing himself to the audience and enlisting the help of a spy. The key is that each one feels completely unique.

What happens on Seatos?

No matter what transmission you get, everything is the same after that. interstellar journey Travel to Seatos, the planet set for the last few episodes Ahsoka Where they faced off against Thrawn. You arrive in some kind of shadow, only to emerge from the clouds and fly among the majestic Pugils (aka Space Whales). Ahsoka greets you on the side monitor and asks for help attacking her two ships, which R2 is more than happy to do. You fly along the Pugil’s back, around its back, on its fins, and at one point almost get sucked in and eaten. Finally, there is a perfect moment where R2 takes advantage of this perfect shot and saves the day. Ashoka thanks you, says goodbye to her old friend R2 and goes home.

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image: Lucasfilm

Whether the new content is interstellar journey OK?

Yes and no.Yes, because anytime you can sit down and experience something new Star Wars, especially for a ride that’s been around for nearly 40 years, that’s a good thing. However, do I think Seatos as a planet is one of the better destinations on the road? No. In fact, it’s probably one of my least favorites. It severely lacks drama compared to Geonosis, Coruscant, or Naboo. But Ahsoka is great and following the different ships is fun.

Oh, and the new transmission (at least what we saw) is stunning. More detailed and richer than previous content.

How long will it take for the new journey to happen?

“Limited time” for all boarders interstellar journey You’ll get a new Seatos planet each time, as well as one of the new gearboxes. It’s unclear if this is just during the Season of the Force event or longer, and Disney won’t reveal specific details. This may be a park-to-park decision.But, at least for a few weeks or months, if you continue interstellar journeyyou will get something new.

Then, eventually, three new transporters and a new planet will be put into the ride’s randomizer. When this happens, the number of possible combinations exceeds 250.

Why choose Seatos?

Over the past few years, thanks to Disney+, Star Wars See more new planets, characters, and creatures than ever before. So why Sitos and Purgil?Well, Tom Fitzgerald, one of them interstellar journeyThe original Imagineers (who also worked on the project) say it’s all about choosing a planet that’s different from the others. Something unique. Maybe it’s the color, or maybe, in this case, it’s a unique creature. So by choosing Seatos, not only do you get to see these huge, new, unique creatures, but the creatures also allow the rides to do things they’ve never done before.This is how we got the first-ever barrel roll interstellar journey and a sequence he calls “slalom.”

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image: io9/Germain Lucier

How long did the new upgrade take?

Fitzgerald said he and his team first started working on the new features sometime between 18 months and two years ago.

Could another car get this treatment?

Since Disney acquired Lucasfilm in 2012, interstellar journey It is updated approximately every two or three years. Still, this is the first update since 2019, so you’re wondering what’s next?Moreover, it may even be interstellar journey?

When Galaxy’s Edge opens in 2019, Disney says millennium falcon ride, smugglers rundesigned in a similar way interstellar journey And the actual visuals on the ride can be changed to take guests on new adventures. But now, it’s been five years of this journey. Will change come? Unfortunately, no one from Imagineering or Lucasfilm will comment, confirm, or deny — but, fingers crossed.

this Ahsoka, Andor and the Mandalorian Replenish Star Tours: The Adventure Continues Currently taking place at Disneyland, Hollywood Studios and Disneyland Paris as part of the Season of the Force event. For more information, Check out this link.

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