Their reservation was canceled at the last minute, so they blasted the restaurant online for their poor customer service » TwistedSifter

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/@mealpro

This stuff drives me crazy!

What’s the point of booking if you don’t keep it?

I do not understand!

Neither did this person, who took to Reddit to gush about their experience.

Let’s take a look, shall we?

“A few months ago, I volunteered to plan my MIL’s 60th birthday and FIL’s 64th birthday, which were a weekend in wine country.

A few months ago, I made a reservation for a group of 10 people at a new upscale restaurant. Since this is also a winery, we arrived two hours early and checked in with the restaurant to see if they could seat us early.

Even though the restaurant was empty they said they couldn’t and it wasn’t a big deal, we knew they were probably short staffed so we went and bought some wine and hung out and listened to live music.

As my reservation time approached, I received a text message from the restaurant asking to be seated. It started to rain.

Plans change…

We walked up to the hostess and she told us that they couldn’t seat us tonight because it was raining and our table was outside.

I explained to them as calmly as possible that I had made the reservation for months, that I was here for two hours, and that I had not been told that my reservation was for an outdoor table or that it might rain (no indoor tables). /outdoor option).

I explained to them that this was for a 60th and 64th birthday party. I asked them if they could put us between tables and they just kept saying there was nothing they could do and it wasn’t their fault…because “we can’t control the weather”.

I snapped: “Well, what you could have done is not book a table for a large party that you couldn’t guarantee”. The manager just shrugged.

We left because it was 6:00pm on a Saturday and we couldn’t get a seat at another restaurant so I had to go to the grocery store and cook a huge meal for 10 people.

They asked for…

I emailed the manager and asked them if there was anything I could do to compensate because our experience was so terrible. After a week I didn’t hear back, so I created multiple Gmail accounts and left 10 different one-star reviews for a fairly new restaurant.

In the review I said you should never book this restaurant if you have a large party, how they didn’t try to get us a table at another restaurant, how they had two hours to fix their mistake, They booked a table with no guarantee they didn’t move tables under cover (there were many), offered any compensation or otherwise attempted to fix their mistake.

Their Google rating ended up dropping two stars due to my review. I left a review for everyone who didn’t have a seat.

A few days after I posted, “our team” offered to feed my in-laws a meal if the comment was deleted, but I declined. “

Here’s what people are saying about this story.

One person shared his story.

Source: Reddit/AITA

The man spoke.

Source: Reddit/AITA

Another reader made an interesting comment.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This person had a dispute with Amazon.

Source: Reddit/AITA

This guy has an interesting perspective on things.

Source: Reddit/AITA

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