Discussing “Rainbow Cotton Remaster” with Andreas Scholl of developer KRITZELKRATZ 3000 – TouchArcade

Andreas Sauer (AS): Hi everyone, my name is Andreas Scholl and I am located in the south of Germany, near Munich (famous for its Oktoberfest).I’ve been in love with video games ever since I played my first arcade game as a kid pacman and defender Back in the 80s. I have held lead programming roles on the following projects: rainbow cotton. Together with my close friend Pascal Heiler, I managed the entire project and made all the major decisions.

Pizza is of course one of my favorite dishes, who would have thought. Since I’m a vegetarian, I usually serve it with vegetable toppings.

face: How does it feel to work on such a beloved series? cotton?

as: It’s like a dream come true. Since I’m a nerd of Japanese video games and also wholeheartedly love the Dreamcast, this was a perfect project for me. Seeing all the lovely art, 3D models, and animations every day is a great motivator.

face: what was your first experience cotton?your cotton History, if you will?

as: I know cotton series from the Sega Saturn, so I remember it as a side-scrolling arcade shooter with cute graphics.I don’t think I’ve played it panoramic cotton or rainbow cotton before starting the project. So I had to do some catching up in the beginning.Overall, I like it cotton Because of her unusual personality, like she looks super cute but also has this selfish Willow demanding personality that doesn’t care if she has to use violence to get what she wants.

face: What challenges were encountered during the reconstruction process? rainbow cotton For modern platforms?

as: One of the biggest challenges was the sheer amount of code we had to port. I completely underestimated this when I was making the first prototype of the game.mini bosses and bosses rainbow cotton They are all complex encounters, each with its own specialized code, often containing complex procedural movement functions. It also involves a lot of challenging math, so the original code is not easy to read and understand. When remaking it, we also had to make a lot of changes to the code to make it frame rate independent and work properly with modern game engines.

face: rainbow cotton Probably the entire series with the most mixed reputation in its original form. Can you talk about some of the improvements in this remake?

as: When I first played the game, my first thought was that the controls needed to be improved in the remake. Then I read a lot of reviews and watched other people’s games, only to find that most of them had the same problem with the game. Fortunately, when I talked to our publisher and SUCCESS, they told us that we were free to improve the game mechanics.

Another gameplay element that was decided to be enhanced early on was the fairy aiming mechanic. Being able to send out sprites to help attack enemies is a great feature, but it didn’t quite feel right in the original game. In the remake, players can mark enemies with a crosshair and quickly send them away.

There are other quality-of-life changes, such as adding health bars to bosses and mini-bosses and showing the player where he has to fly to branch out in a stage.

face: How involved, if at all, are the original developers involved in this remake? Did you get any advice or guidance from them? If so, so what?

as: Contact with SUCCESS is primarily through our publisher, so I don’t really know if any or which of the original developers were involved in the project.

I am also Mr. Shinya Nagatomo (producer) cotton rock) At Gamescom we got a nice twist rainbow cotton and gameplay improvements. They also provide us with feedback on the different milestones we have achieved and comments on improvements they would like to see made.

When the game was shown off at the Tokyo Game Show, some of the original voice actors were playing the game.

face: What are you personally most proud of? rainbow cotton Remake?

as: I’m most proud of the improvements we’ve made to the game and the improvements we’ve made since playing rainbow cotton There were many times during development where I still had a lot of fun.It’s really important to me to make fans of the series happy, so the most important thing to me is that the game is well received by players cotton Community.

face: Is there anything you wanted to do in this remake but couldn’t?

as: I found an earlier article rainbow cotton It says Cotton can get off his broom and walk across the stage, I wonder where that came from. While porting the player code, I discovered that there were a lot of remnants of this game mechanic. So I thought maybe I could make it work somehow. I tried reactivating the code and gameplay mechanics of the feature to have Cotton run, shoot, and use her magic while running. It looks really cute. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, I couldn’t actually integrate this into the remaster as a real feature. I’m also guessing that this planned functionality had a lot of issues and edge cases, which is why they scrapped it at the time.

We integrated Cotton’s standing and running animation into the remaster options menu to see how it would look.

face: This is your free space to send whatever information you want to our readers. Just say whatever you want!

I want to thank all my fans cotton and the loyalty of legions of retro gaming fans.I would also like to thank Derek Pascarella and his team for producing the English fan translation rainbow cotton. They are also part of the remake’s development team.

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