Paramount wants to make Sonic movie an “Avengers-level event,” but can Blue Pig keep up with the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Paramount Ambitious Sonicas the series’ lead producers want them to be “Avengers-level events.”

There’s no denying the popularity of the Sonic movies. Both films rank among the top ten highest-grossing video game movie adaptations, and they’ve certainly reignited a spark within Sonic fandom, even if the films haven’t translated into overwhelmingly strong video game sales. Even so, franchise and series executive producer Toby Ascher has some bold plans for the live-action Sonic universe. Speaking about the Knuckles series, Asher told Paste: “We’re really excited about the idea of ​​expanding characters from that world to television, especially because it gives us a place to really do character studies. platform.

“We knew that with Shadow going into Sonic 3 and some of the bigger things we wanted to do, the cinematic side of the Sonic franchise was going to be these Avengers-level events. They were going to be these big, Exciting Activities “There are many different characters in the story. So what television does for us is give us time to delve into some of the more supporting characters and really develop them in cool ways. ”

Now, I don’t know about you, but as much as I love that blue pig and his furry friends, I don’t think he might have what it takes to pull off an “Avengers-level event.” Yes, sure, they could stuff a movie with a lot of characters that would make a hardcore Sonic movie point to the screen and shed tears of joy, but that’s not the same as building an audience over the nearly two decades that the MCU has had.

Asher went on to talk about how the team behind the Sonic movies loved the fish-out-of-water comedy that accompanied Knuckles at the end of Sonic 2, saying the series follows a similar vibe. “We thought we could turn this into a full series. I think it’s the funniest version we’ve seen in a Sonic movie so far. It leans into weird comedy, partly because of Adam Pelley and Ed. Rees [Elba] Brought to you in a very good way. ”

We haven’t seen the full trailer for Sonic 3 yet, but it was released in February and features some of the series’ best songs. The film is currently set to be released on December 20, so it’s only a matter of time before a proper trailer is released.

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