The best moments from Elon Musk’s testimony he doesn’t want you to read

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photo: Drew Angler (Getty Images)

Elon Musk’s recent depositionin by huffington post On Monday, several interesting details about X’s owners were revealed. The testimony also included several heated exchanges between Musk, his attorneys and the accusers.We read the full text 108 pages of transcript And pulled out the best moments.

The testimony related to Musk’s tweets on the X platform, specifically those related to Ben Brody, the 22-year-old Jewish man who is suing the billionaire. Brody claimed that Musk fueled conspiracy theories about him. However, the public testimony explored a wide range of topics about Musk’s life.

Broidy’s attorney, Mark Bankston, peppered Musk and his longtime attorney Alex Spiro with questions for nearly two hours. In his testimony, Musk confirmed some bizarre alternative accounts of his work on X. Spiro at one point specifically requested that the testimony be kept secret, although it was apparently made public this week.

Musk revealed in testimony that he had never read Biography of Walter Isaacson in his body.Later, Musk said he might have done it Financial harm to platform X outweighs its benefits. Musk frequently appears as “A” or “witness” in the transcript, and these quotes accompany several heated exchanges, all of which took place on Zoom.

Here are the best moments from Elon Musk’s testimony about his use of Platform X and other parts of his life.

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