Wife asks internet for help finding husband who stole her and kids; he was traced within 24 hours | Viral News

Ashley McGuire took to Facebook to search for her husband, Charles Withers, who had ghosted her and her children. With the help of social media, she tracked him down within 24 hours.

Ashley McGuire and her husband Charles Withers | Image: Facebook

Massachusetts: A woman who was searching for her and their children after her husband’s ghost appeared was surprised when Facebook found him in less than 24 hours. Ashley McGuire, from Massachusetts, posted on Facebook asking social media users to help her track down her husband so she could divorce him.

Ashley posted a photo of her husband, Charles Withers, and said she would “test the power of Facebook.” She said her husband loved being in the spotlight, but she wasn’t sure Charles would like the Facebook post.

Ashley McGuire Facebook

Ashley said that when she was pregnant with their youngest child last year, Charles decided he no longer wanted the lifestyle of “being a husband and a father” and took her away. He “disappeared without a trace.” Charles has a child he hasn’t seen in over a year, and another he’s never seen.

Wife asks to go online to find husband who cheated on her

Wife asks internet for help finding husband who cheated on her | Picture: Facebook

ashley mcguire husband

She said her husband not only moved out of the state, but also changed his contact number. He also gave himself a new name – Charlie.

Ashley said she wanted to divorce her husband but it would be “very hard and long” because Charles was completely unavailable. She said she was trying to find him and get him to sign the divorce papers so she could “close this chapter and move on with my life.”

The woman said her husband was a chef and might work in the hospitality industry. She appealed to anyone who could get in touch with him to help her.

Facebook comes to the rescue

It turns out that several women claimed they matched with him on Bumble and had his contact information.

In an update posted less than a day later, Ashley said she had found her husband. He was also contacted by someone in her area.

“Single moms are a special group,” Ashley said as she thanked those who reached out to her with information and expressed love and support.

Internet stalking husband

Internet stalking husband | Image: Facebook

She noted that she did not wish “malice of any kind” on her husband. “Please don’t make threats, spread hate or try to go out and find him,” she urged.

Ashley added that she wanted to resolve the issue so she could start a new life with her children and repair the damage. “At the end of the day, I’m going to get back to my kids and be their mom, so I think I’m going to win no matter what,” she said.

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