FF7 Rebirth’s “Reset” sidequest menu explained

Final Fantasy VII Reborn There are 36 side missions scattered across the planet’s surface. Once you complete the main story of Square Enix’s massive role-playing game, you can choose whether to reset those missions.Of course, the only tricky part is rebirthThe menu options have some confusing language.

read more: 15 essential Final Fantasy VII Reborn side quests

If you want to go back to a previous chapter of the game and are confused by the different side quest reset options, then this guide is for you.Also, if you are confused about another menu option, i.e. “Retry” combat optionwe’ve also broken it down into easy-to-understand language.

rebirthThe side quest reset option is shown in plain language

Once you wrap rebirthmain story, you can jump to any chapter in the story through “Chapter Select” in the game’s “System” options. Here are three options for you. But they make the most sense if we look at the options in the reverse order of how they are listed. So, from bottom to top:

Reset all mission data

The most self-explanatory of the three options. Selecting this option will reset all your progress in each side quest when you select the previous chapter to jump to.

Recover previously completed task data

Let’s say you complete 24 of the 36 side missions and then complete the main story. If you select this option when jumping to the previous chapter, you’ll keep that amount – or however many side quests you’ve completed. If you complete all 36 chapters, this option will keep all those tasks in a completed status. Generally, choose this option when you want to return to your most complete state.

Keep current task completion data

This option will keep all completed and unfinished side quests at your current location when you jump chapters. Let’s say you choose “Reset All Mission Data” and then complete five side missions before jumping to another chapter. If you want these five to remain completed and the rest unfinished, select “Keep…”

Which option is best to go back and clean up the remaining tasks?

So if you’re completing the credits for the first time and are ready to go back and complete all the additional activities, just select “Keep current mission completion data.” As the name suggests, this will “preserve” your current progress.

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If you have reset all mission progress and want to revert to the furthest point you reached previously, select “Resume…”

Why reset task data?

Hey, maybe you really want some chickens to follow you home? But seriously, some of the side missions have slightly different outcomes. For example, to get the best ending in Blue Sky Dream in Junon, you need to choose Beef over the other options at the end of the mission.

read more: Final Fantasy VII RebornWild Ending Explanation

Also, if you’ve completed the main story, you’ll know that one of the good boy members of the team has had his voice slightly changed. Many side quests reflect this change. So if you play “The Robe Man” you’ll hear the first voice of this particular character. But if you play through the Cosmic Canyon chapter of the game and return for this mission, the character will have a different voice. I played some of these missions on each side of the voice exchange and found that lines of dialogue landed slightly differently either way.This is a good observation if you are fascinated rebirth same as me.

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