House agrees to bill giving tribes exclusive online gaming rights

AUGUSTA — The House voted against a proposal Tuesday that would have given the Wabanaki Tribe of Maine exclusive rights to internet gambling.

The proposal, which seeks to establish exclusive tribal rights over online sports betting, was introduced by the Mills administration and approved by lawmakers in the last Legislature.

But the bill, sponsored by Rep. Laura Supica, D-Bangor, failed in a 74-71 vote in the House, with nine Democrats reaching across the aisle to join nearly unanimous Republican opposition. Madawaska Rep. Roger Abbott was the only Republican to support the bill.

Opponents criticized the proposal, which is expected to generate $100 million in revenue for the tribe over the next few years, because it excludes existing casino operators and could lead to casino job losses. Some people have expressed concern about the rise in gambling addiction.

Polish Rep. David Boyer said he would be open to the idea if internet gaming was opened to existing casino operators. He urged lawmakers to vote against the bill and try again at the next meeting.

“As much as I would love to play online poker, it’s not the way to go,” Boyer said. “I’m worried about jobs being put at risk in Oxford and Bangor. The tax rates are not comparable. The tax rates for brick-and-mortar casinos are very high.”

Supporters argue that allowing tribes to have exclusive rights would help address long-standing inequities for tribes, who have been treated more like municipal governments thanks to two agreements with the state that settled their land ownership issues. .

Rep. Aaron Dana, who represents the Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy Tribe, said the bill would be an economic boon for the tribe, surrounding cities and the entire state because the tribe would reinvest 100 percent of new revenue. to the local economy. , rather than sending profits to out-of-state companies.

Dana noted that tribes have historically been excluded from efforts to build casinos in the state.

“We’re going to spend all of our money in Maine because we’re citizens of Maine too,” Dana said. “This economic empowerment will not only strengthen tribal sovereignty but also improve the overall (well-being) of tribal members.”

Supica, whose district includes the Hollywood Casino and Hotel, called on lawmakers to support the bill because it would specifically benefit tribes.

“A lot of the concern comes from the fact that it’s specifically targeted at tribes,” said Supika, the bill’s sponsor. “But to me, that’s why I support it wholeheartedly, because it’s the beginning of what Maine has enacted in the past. Great opportunity to make some corrections to gambling laws.”

Supika said the move could generate $100 million in revenue over the next five years, with taxes paid to the state earmarked for funding emergency 9-1-1 systems, emergency housing and gambling addiction programs, among other things.

LD 1777 now goes to the Senate.

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