Star Wars Desperados – Only Villains, No Nerf Nomads

Jedi Free Zone?

If you want to hang out with Jabba or hook up with Crimson Dawn, Star Wars Desperados is the game for you. Hang out with the major players in the underworld, or get dumped by them if your reputation isn’t enough to impress them. This is a slightly different Star Wars game, as a lot of the things that made the series famous aren’t present, at least not in the trailer for Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Of course there are a lot of stormtroopers but they are busy dealing with the rebels so now is the perfect time to commit the crime.

The third-person single-player style is definitely recognizable and hopefully more mouse and keyboard friendly than Jedi Outcast. You’ll also have a small helper, like Carl Kestis, albeit on a larger scale. The cutscenes do look gorgeous, but the amount of actual gameplay, enhanced or not, is lacking. The suggestion that a melee will ensue is also interesting if done well.

We’ll see a lot more with the release of Star Wars: Desperados on August 30

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