Stellar Blade’s skin set is easy to unlock (in demo)

this Star Blade Demo It’s been out since March 29, and if you successfully beat it, your save data will be carried over to the entire game when it launches as a PlayStation 5 exclusive on April 26. One thing I’m curious about is “Skin set,” protagonist Eve’s outfit essentially lets her travel naked across the world, which makes the game a lot more challenging. Surprisingly, at least in the demo, it was a pretty easy thing to unlock, so since I Having just learned how to get it, I thought I’d teach you how to get it too. After all, sharing is caring.

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As we reported on March 14, Eve’s sexiest outfit came with deadly consequences. The skin set disables the shield, meaning if she’s wearing an outfit with a protective barrier, you’ll take double the damage. Game Director Hyung-Tae Kim Basically begging players to equip Eve with clothes Because without it, “the difficulty of the game would increase dramatically” (as in streaking In a Souls-like game, e.g. Elden Ring), but people are Star Blade The subreddit ignored the warning. So, as someone who played the demo a few times and found it to be fairly easy, I wanted to try it out with the skin pack to see if the game actually gets harder. Yes, I can confirm that I have been scolded several times while not wearing any clothes.

Tyrone the Great

Getting the skin set in the demo is very simple. Once you’ve launched and completed the introductory cutscene, all you need to do is hit the “Options” button on your DualSense. This will immediately pull up the Devices menu, which is perfect because that’s where you want it. From here, navigate down to the outside, hover over the “Planet Diving Suit (Size 7)” outfit, press X to unequip, and voila! Get the skin set. I told you it was easy. Playing it, though, is another story.

I still found many of the enemies here to be easy to deal with even without a shield. Maybe it’s because their attack patterns are obvious, or because I’m already familiar with the bad guys being thrown at me, but nothing really gave me much difficulty – until I got to the demo’s final boss, Abaddon. This two-sworded, bug-looking bastard stomped on me about a dozen times before I defeated it. It almost didn’t matter how good I was, because there was nothing I could do to really mitigate the massive damage Abaddon inflicted. Even when you block, you still lose a small amount of health, and since the skin set disables shields, I got stronger. a lot of. I know full well that this is a costume designed for the horniest of sadists.

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Some commenters in r/StellarBlade have stated that they plan to play the entire game using just the skin set, which is wild, but not that surprising, especially when you consider “legal strategy“Nude. It’s a sexy outfit, although it doesn’t necessarily leave much to the imagination. Regardless, I’m looking forward to seeing how hard it is Star Blade When it launches on April 26, it will be deadly with or without the skin pack. This day can’t come soon enough.

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