Your internet service provider must now provide you with a “nutritional label”

It has been 34 years since the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 forced American companies to display nutrition labels on food products. These labels help consumers know exactly what they are eating and how much of it they are eating.

Now, the FCC hopes its own “nutrition label” requirements for internet service providers will provide the same transparency when it comes to broadband plan costs.

Starting Wednesday, major ISPs will required Clearly mark all the fees consumers must pay for their broadband plans. The FCC has provided a template, much like a “nutritional label,” that forces companies to tell the total price of their broadband plans up front.

Everything You Can Find on the FCC Nutrition Label

The FCC’s “nutrition label” for internet providers will cover more than just additional monthly fees or surcharges (such as taxes).

GFiber nutrition label

An example of a “Nutrition Label” from one of Google’s GFiber programs regulated by the FCC.
Credit: Google

In addition to the total monthly cost, the nutrition label will include details about any activation fees, early termination fees and contract length. Nutrition labels will also disclose whether the price shown is a discounted price for new customers and what the consumer can expect to pay each month after introductory pricing expires.

Internet service providers are also required to display rental fees for equipment such as modems or WiFi routers on nutrition labels.

The FCC’s nutrition labels require more than just price transparency. Companies must also show consumers the full details of their plans. This includes upload and download speeds, data caps and fees consumers will pay for overages.

Every broadband plan offered by an internet service provider is required to have its own nutrition label.

ISPs eventually complied

as edge noted that ISPs have been fighting for nearly a decade to block the FCC’s request. For example, there are certain elements of internet plans that don’t need to be included on nutrition labels, such as data limits or packet loss.

However, one of the positive changes is that ISPs are now required to offer the previously mentioned Personal Nutrition Plan with every plan. Previously, internet service providers would just provide one lengthy and confusing page with all the information about everything they had to offer.

The FCC under the Biden administration has become more proactive in addressing hidden and other “junk” charges. This nutrition label will be an important way to help consumers.

Major ISPs have until April 10 to comply with nutritional labeling. So far, most seem to be offering these services. Mashable found a “Nutrition Label” or “Broadband Label” on the plan offered Verizon, T move, Comcastand Google.

Small internet providers with fewer than 100,000 customers have until October to comply with the FCC’s new rules on nutrition labels.

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