Broadway Musical Dune and 8 Other Braindead Songs from Udio’s AI Music Generator

The tech industry is trying to automate art. Whether it’s visual arts, filmmaking, novel writing, or music, Silicon Valley’s “innovators” seem convinced that consumers can’t tell the difference between work created by passionate human creativity and automated content delivered by soulless algorithms. the difference. It’s a scary worldview, but here we are.This week, an artificial intelligence music platform called Udio Beta version launched, causing some heated discussions online. Like most AI music publishers, Udio’s platform is filled with acoustic nonsense. Udio says its platform allows “anyone to create extraordinary music instantly,” which seems untrue, unless by “extraordinary” you mean “really bad.” That said, luckily most of the “songs” on the platform are less than a minute long. The platform is currently over-capacity to produce new tracks, but we looked through the tracks other users have made with Udio and found some of the most obviously insane tracks produced by its software. Apologies in advance.

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