Smart TV Statistics 2024 by Shipments and Facts

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Smart TV Statistics: Are you considering buying a smart TV this year? Don’t get confused as there are several different manufacturing brands on the market and this article contains insights from all aspects that provide clues as to why Smart TVs have become so popular and popular in recent years. Billions of users across the globe are showing interest and increasing demand for smart TVs that feature advanced technology and improved AI (artificial intelligence) processors. A report released by “Research and Market” states that the global smart TV market size is expected to reach US$451 million by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 11.4% from 2023 to 2030. Hopefully these statistics can guide you in choosing the right smart TV.

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A report released by

(Source: Research and

  • By 2023, the average number of smart TV users in the United States is expected to reach 190 million.
  • In the U.S., all home video streaming via smart TVs is powered by 55%.
  • In 2023, the smart TV market will reach US$211.42 billion The year-on-year growth rate in 2023 is 10.33%
  • It is expected that by 2030, the global smart TV market will reach $451.26 billion.
  • The average selling price of smart TVs will decrease in the first half of 2023 3%, or $380.
  • Meanwhile, the most popular TV features 8GB internal storage, a year-on-year increase of 33%.
  • In 2023, the Asia-Pacific region will account for the largest share of smart TV market revenue, surpassing 40%.
  • Globally, total smart TV shipments in 2023 will be approximately 199 million units, a slight decrease from last year.

Facts about smart TVs

  • The Samsung brand has the highest market share in the smart TV market, reaching 23%.
  • The market shares of other smart TV brands are LG (18%), Sony (14%), Vizio (9%), TCL (7%) and Hisense (6%).
  • Smart TV sales market share statistics by price range are as follows: 500-1,000 US dollars, accounting for 45%; 1,000-1,500 US dollars (25%); 1,500-2,000 US dollars (18%); more than 2,000 US dollars (4%); 500 US dollars below (4%). 8%).
  • By 2023, 60% of people worldwide earning less than $50,000 will use more smart TVs.
  • Smart TV owners are broken down by annual income, followed by those with annual incomes below $25,000 (20%) and income levels between $25,000 and $50,000 (30%).
  • As of 2023, people around the world are willing to pay more than $1,000 to adopt smart TVs with high-quality features.
  • In 2023, 75% of smart TV users will be college students.

General Smart TV Statistics

  • In the United States, the smart TV market size is expected to be 31.34 million units in 2023 and will reach 34.1 million units in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of 1.70%.
  • Global sales of smart TVs in 2023 will be approximately 80 million units.
  • The proportion of Americans aged 35 to 54 who own a smart TV is 49%.
  • In the UK, 77% of smart TV owners are between the ages of 35 and 44.
  • In the first quarter of 2023, global TV streaming shipments increased by 2%, driven by the strong performance of Sony PS5.
  • Overall smart TV usage declined in February due to a lack of high-demand content.

Amazon dominates the U.S. smart speaker market.(Source:

  • As of February 2023, cable and broadcast usage decreased by 5.7% and 9.2% respectively.
  • In January 2023, the statistical shares of smart TV trends are broadcast (24.9%), cable (30.4%), streaming media (32.8%) and others (11.9%).
  • On the other hand, in February 2023, the statistical shares of smart TV trends are broadcast (23.8%), cable (30.2%), streaming media (34.3%) and others (11.7%).
  • In the first half of 2023, smart TV shipments in India fell by 5% year-on-year.

Statistics for market leaders

  • As of 2023, Xiaomi has the highest leadership position in the smart TV industry, with a market share of 14%.
  • Samsung Smart TV ranks second with a market share of 13%.
  • LG Smart TV has a market share of 12%, followed by TCL Smart TV (8%) and OnePlus Smart TV (7%).
  • In the United States, smart TV revenue will reach $18 billion, with a CAGR of 0.79% expected by the end of 2028.
  • India’s market size is expected to reach US$11.7 billion by the end of 2023, and is expected to reach US$32.57 billion by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate of 16.7%.
  • By the end of 2033, China’s smart TV market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 16.5%.
  • By the end of 2026, global smart TV ownership is expected to increase to 1.1 billion households, accounting for 51%.

Statistics by operating system

  • In 2023, the highest share of operating systems for home streaming via smart TVs will be Android TV (35%)
  • WebOS operating system market share is 25%; Tizen includes 20%.
  • This is followed by Roku TV (10%) and Others (10%).
  • The most popular technologies in smart TVs are organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) and QLED, while other technologies used are artificial intelligence, 8K resolution, and IoT integration.
  • The adoption rate of traditional LED smart TVs will decline in 2023.
  • Some of the challenges encountered by smart TV technology include limited content availability, compatibility issues, security issues, and user interface.

by generation

  • As of 2023, Generation Z has the largest number of monthly smart TV users in the United States, reaching 52.2 million.
  • Other user statistics by generation are Millennials (61.5 million), Generation X (51 million) and Baby Boomers (33.1 million).
  • By the end of 2025, user statistics will be Gen Z (56.1 million), Millennials (62.6 million), Gen X (50.5 million) and Baby Boomers (31.6 million)
  • The second statistical frequency of smart TV usage in 2023 is from 18 to 34 years (65%), and the daily usage time is about 3 hours.
  • On the other hand, the usage frequency market share of people over 55 years old is 35%, and the usage time per day is close to 1 hour.
  • The proportion of households with smart TVs is about 40% in North America, 35% in Europe, 20% in the Asia-Pacific region, and 5% in the Middle East and Africa.

Statistics by resolution

  • In 2023, the smart TV market has strengthened in recent years, and the most available and affordable resolution for smart TVs is 4K, with a market share of 60%.
  • The 8K resolution of smart TVs is more expensive than 4K, so it has not been widely adopted globally, accounting for only 10% of the market share.

Brand Smart TV Statistics by Resolution

  • Samsung is the largest brand in the smart TV market and the highest-selling 4K resolution smart TV, accounting for 65% of sales. By 2023, other sales shares by resolution are 8K (20%) and 1080p (15%).
  • LG’s sales share of 4K resolution smart TVs is 70%, 8K sales share is 20%, and 1080p sales share is 10%.
  • Sony’s smart TV sales share of different resolutions is followed by 4K (60%), 1080p (30%) and 8K (10%).
  • Panasonic is followed by 1080p (50%), 4K (40%) and 8K (10%) in smart TV sales share across different resolutions.

Statistics by screen shape

  • Currently, the most demanding smart TV screen sizes are 32 to 45 inches, and the revenue share of integrated 4K technology is about 40%.
  • As of 2023, the most common screen types for smart TVs are the traditional 21:9 (ultrawide), 16:9 (widescreen), and 4:3 (standard) aspect ratios.
  • In recent years, the sales share of smart TV screen types has been ultrawidescreen (20%), widescreen (75%) and standard (5%).
  • According to smart TV statistics, the proportion of flat-panel screens in the global smart TV market exceeds 80%.
  • By 2023, the largest market share of flat-panel TVs is expected to reach $250 billion.

Statistics by screen size

  • The 55-inch smart TV has a market share of 35% in shipments and is known as the most popular smart TV by the end of 2023.
  • The next closest smart TV screen size is 65 inches, with a market share of 28%.
  • In addition, other screen sizes in the smart TV market share are 75 inches (14%), 40-49 inches (12%), 50-54 inches (11%) and 40 inches (1%).

Statistics by distribution channel

  • Global smart TVs are sold through e-commerce platforms as distribution channels, accounting for an estimated 60%.
  • Smart TV sales through the company’s website are expected to account for 20% in the same year.
  • By 2023, the most popular distribution channel for smart TVs is online retailers, with a market share expected to be 45%.
  • The market share of smart TVs is followed by physical stores (35%) and direct sales (20%).

Statistics by region

  • In 2023, the North American smart TV market share will be US$22.1 billion, and the compound annual growth rate from 2023 to 2028 is expected to be 0.85%.
  • In Africa, revenue generated is expected to be US$2.7 billion in 2023, growing at a CAGR of 0.38% by 2028.
  • Other regions of the smart TV market revenue are the Americas (USD 29.2 billion), Asia (USD 32.3 billion), Australia and Oceania (USD 1.8 billion), the Caribbean (USD 0.5 billion), and Central and Western Europe (USD 19.6 billion) , Central Africa (USD 224.4 million), Central Asia (USD 260.6 million), East Africa (USD 0.9 billion), East Asia (USD 23.3 billion), Eastern Europe (USD 3.9 billion), Europe (USD 31.3 billion), North America (USD 22.1 billion) ), North Africa ($0.5 billion), Northern Europe ($1.8 billion), South America ($6.3 billion), Southeast Asia ($3.6 billion), Southern Africa ($400 million), South Asia ($3.7 billion), Southern Europe ( (USD 6 billion), West Africa (USD 0.6 billion) and Western Asia (USD 1.4 billion).

Online streaming statistics

  • By 2023, nearly 1.1 billion people around the world will use smart TVs.
  • 70% of smart TV owners are currently using their devices to stream media.
  • About 76% of smart TV users use Netflix to stream various programs. The share of other online streaming platforms is followed by Amazon Prime Video (58%) and Hulu (45%)

India smart TV shipment statistics

Smart TV shipments in India

  • It is expected that by the end of 2023, the Indian smart TV market shipments will exceed 10 million units.
  • The market shares of the top smart TV brands are Brand A (35%), Brand B (25%) and Brand C (20%).
  • at 2ND In the first quarter of 2023, the smart TV shipment shares of different manufacturers are TCL (7.2%), LG (9%), ONEPLUS (9.3%), Samsung (9.6%), Xiaomi (9.8%), and others (55.1%) %).

in conclusion

After completing the article about Smart TV statistics so far, it can be clearly shown that the use of Smart TVs has become very popular in recent years. Mainly due to technological development, the market share of smart TVs has effectively increased due to the increased demand for high-quality video content and convenient streaming services. This article contains many valid statistics about Smart TV usage across the world and will help to understand the topic better. Let us know which brand of smart TV you want to invest in!

Electronics, Home Gadgets, Statistics

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