Humane AI Pin Review and OpenAI’s YouTube Project

seven. Hundred. Dollar. After a year that raised a lot of questions about the much-hyped AI wearable, the human-friendly AI badge is finally here, and, well, we still have a lot of questions. We’re still trying to figure out how this all works – and where it’s going.

As far as this episode is concerned edge broadcast, we took a deep dive into the AI ​​Pin and tried to find out what’s wrong with the device and whether it or any other AI device has a real future. The problem, we found, was that these devices layered new technologies on top of each other, and none of them worked well until everything worked perfectly.Also, did we mention that AI Pin is Seven hundred dollars?

Afterwards, we discussed the growing divide between OpenAI and the rest of the internet, as some very good reports revealed that the company transcribed and used millions of YouTube videos to train its models. We also discuss how Taylor Swift’s music is returning to TikTok and whether there’s more to come.

Finally, we get a bunch of very on-brand news in the Lightning Wheel, including e-ink screens, content moderation, and photo sharing. Sony also made a new party speaker, so of course, we spent an unreasonably long time with the party speaker. You have to see those pictures.

If you want to learn more about everything we discuss in this episode, here are a few links to start with, starting with Humanity:

During the lightning round:

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