Will Fallout be followed by an Elder Scrolls TV show?Bethesda doesn’t seem to be in a hurry

Amazon’s Fallout TV show is now live, but not before the show had a snazzy premiere in Hollywood that I’m sure my invitation got lost in the post. At that premiere, a smartly dressed Todd Howard said a few words, some of which were about potential ideas for an Elder Scrolls adaptation. When it comes to things like this, it sounds like Howard’s plan is to – simply put – keep being picky.

Yes, nitpicky, but should be a good approach. After all, if anyone wants to make The Fiery Argonian Maid a blockbuster hit in the summer of 2034, we need to make sure they understand what the political climate in Morrowind was like when Crasius Curio wrote the damn thing of.

During a red carpet interview with IGN, Howard was asked about the idea of ​​other Bethesda IPs potentially getting the adaptation treatment, whether it’s a TV show like Fallout or something else. “I don’t know. There’s nothing going on yet,” BGS Big Cheese said.

“Everyone asks, like, about the Elder Scrolls thing, and I keep saying no. I would approach those – I would probably say no. You never know if someone is going to click. But I think this [Fallout show] The real reason is, “We think everything is aligned and quality work can be done.” It’s not forced. It’s a natural relationship of, “Hey, this sounds really cool.” rather than, “We should have a show,” right? It never came from that. “

So, what does this mean? Well, I read that it wasn’t Howard outright declaring that he was unlikely to accept an Elder Scrolls adaptation, but that he was very capable of approaching it because he had Fallout – playing the waiting game while listening to any suggestions, Until someone he really likes comes along.

Given the early results of this process, with Howard ultimately accepting an offer from director Jonathan Nolan, Kilt Films, and Amazon, continuing with this approach was certainly a smart move, at least in theory.

If you’re interested in some interesting pitches about Annihilation Ward outside of the crime-busters-style TV show, be sure to check out the Fallout 5 pitch we recently received from former Bethesda developer Jonah Lobe.

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