Helldiver 2’s reward system is about to get an overhaul, but some players’ auto-battle plans really don’t deserve medals

As we all know, both in real life and in Helldiver 2, the main reason you go to war is not because you actually believe in the cause of the war, but because you want to get a nice medal and praise from other people . Some commanders after watching your teammates die. Thankfully, it looks like the entire system that brings you such rewards will soon be getting an overhaul, thanks to some recent issues with medals in Arrowhead’s online shooter.

If you don’t know better, there’s sometimes some delay in what actually happens when people actually get medals earned by fighting valiantly in major missions rather than just having snowball fights. However, the game’s developers want to make a plan to permanently sort it out.

On the game’s official Discord server, community manager Twinbeard provided an update for those who haven’t received some of the loot from recent events. “Two of the latest three major orders for medals have now shipped,” the article reads, adding that the last batch of orders should ship sometime today (April 10).

They then added: “We’re also going to be overhauling the system that handles these requests in the future because, frankly, it’s about as reliable as Malevelon Creek’s solar watch.” So, a fun joke and a makeover is coming to It’s nice to stop heroes from having to survive on pure praise alone.

That said, while this news comes as players are locked in an intense battle to stem the advance of returning robots, I’m not sure what some of them are doing as they battle the mechanical menace, posted on Reddit Some plans and ideas are particularly worthy of medals. For example, someone inadvertently came up with a revolutionary idea that was obviously a joke, but could easily have ended up becoming a reality if the Malevelon Creek meme was anything to go by.

“Guys with the new plan, if we bring robots and bugs together, then what? [started] THREE-WAY FIGHT,” they yelled in capital letters, like grandmas on Facebook. Now, thankfully, just as many people are pointing out that this would be a great way to get superpowers, even if it were possible. If only. The two enemies don’t try to fight each other, and the planet will be surrounded by enemies on all sides. Or, you know, inspired Arrow to create, as one player put it: “Cholesterous Giants and Rocket Throwers.”

So, yeah, if you try to lure a Terminator onto a ship in the hope that it will solve all your problems, you’re not going to get a medal.

Especially considering you should have a better understanding of the crimes these bugs commit against innocent men wearing motion capture suits.

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