The Best Free Games We Would Pay For – The Best Games Ever Podcast Episode 94

Inspired by the recent free-to-play hit Content Warning – a co-op survival “shooter” about making scary FauxTube videos with three friends – this week’s Best Gaming Podcast is all about us Freebies that are happy to pay for.

In a happy coincidence, this theme coincides with the launch of our Extended Podcast: a paid version of the show that includes a bonus segment in which you can remember the host’s selections, followed by the rest of the panel Demolished fragments. To paraphrase a recent YouTube commenter, “So this is the moron whose views you intend to profit from?”. Well, yes, but the point is they get kicked around like a sheep’s bladder, so I’m actually nobly presenting myself as the waste organ in question. For more information on how to become a paid VG247 subscriber, which comes with additional benefits like smooth ad-free browsing, check out our Support Us page.

Anyway, some rules for this episode: We’re talking about real free games. Once you take into account the entire economic model, these free games aren’t actually free. Free like beer, but not free like the NHS. Also, stealing doesn’t count; Connor.

Watch video version best game ever here:

Check out the video version of the best gaming podcast ever. You should watch it so you can see our every facial expression as Jim and Connor have a massive, somewhat real argument.Watch on YouTube

Listen to the audio version best game ever here:

This is audio. You should listen so you don’t have to see everyone’s awkward looks while Jim and Connor have a somewhat real argument.

Please stay tuned for the new episode best game ever Every Friday. Subscribe on VG247 or wherever you get your podcasts:

  • This is the best gaming podcast ever on Apple Podcasts.
  • You can also follow us on Spotify.
  • You can even watch it on YouTube if you like.
  • Special thanks to David Bulmer Performing “Jim’s Theme”.

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