Eager to see Dragon Age get a Fallout-style TV series?Well, its former head writer would rather watch an Animal Crossing political thriller

Now that we’re all basking in the radioactive glow of Amazon’s TV show Fallout’s success, many are naturally wondering which video game series they might want to see get the Hollywood treatment next. Interestingly, for Dragon Age’s former head writer, the answer isn’t, well, Dragon Age.

Yes, it turns out that not everyone who develops video games necessarily thinks that the game will translate well, or be presented in a game-like manner on the big screen. Sometimes, things can’t translate, you know, no matter how much homage you give to the games or fun maps that inspired the series.

David Gaider, who served as lead writer on the Dragon Age series while working at Bioware, responded to a post about the idea of ​​a Fallout-style TV show for other games (thanks to TheGamer), He tweeted that he thought a Dragon Age show would be “a terrible idea.”

Why? Well, as he explained in his reply, “you take away the interactive element and what you’re left with is a pretty standard fantasy story” when it comes to Dragon Age. He added: “It’s not impossible that it would take considerable in-depth research to distill the unique and interesting elements of each production, but it would require more than just rote adaptation.”

So, that’s it. When a Twitter user suggested a Baldur’s Gate series based on the success of Baldur’s Gate 3, Gad responded in a very similar way, reasoning: “It’s hard for me to imagine Baldur’s Gate “The Gate of Virtue” series will be something we have seen many times before.”

So what adaptation might he hope to see? Okay, “David Lynch-esque Disco Elysium” makes the list, and, uh, “Animal Crossing” does, too, but it’s a tense political thriller. Yes, the latter was brought up to ensure that the Animal Crossing show wasn’t just a carbon copy of the game, in which case Gad wouldn’t be a fan.

So, Hollywood, give us Washington power broker Tom Nook. Come on, you can get it done while we’re all busy actually enjoying Fallout 76.

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