when i played Sci-fi adventure is harold halibutI often think of walking past a aquarium. This was partly because the game’s gorgeous environments were overwhelmed, but also because I felt a childlike sense of frustration at the events unfolding before me.Like a child tapping on the glass hoping to break the colorful fish out of their mundane swimming patterns, I wanted to tap on the glass harold halibut Hopefully the characters in its world will eventually do something interesting. But the game never quite escapes its mundanity.
harold halibut It has been a long time.The first game from developer Slow Bros. 14 years development, entirely due to its handcrafted Clay animation Art style. It’s a striking visual style, but the characters that inhabit a claymation world have never received as much attention as the way they’re rendered.
at the bottom of the sea

harold halibut Players take on the role of the titular Harold, a lab assistant (he’s mostly treated like a janitor) aboard the Fedora, a spaceship now submerged underwater on a toxic planet . 250 years ago, fearing that the Cold War would completely destroy the Earth, the All Water Corporation built Fedora as a life raft designed to protect humanity on the new planet. While being trapped underwater was not the original plan, the residents of Fedora have created a simple life for themselves.At least it’s better than getting Destroyed by nuclear weapons and forgotten On Earth, right?
Harold was an all-around handyman. At the very beginning of the game (which takes about a dozen hours to complete), you’ll go through Harold’s life, which involves walking around in a fedora, completing cleaning up graffiti, and fighting for the clever but seemingly very inconvenient People change filters and other tasks without your presence. Sadly, Harold is viewed as the village idiot.
Although the sci-fi setting may remind players of bioshockof underwater city ecstasy, harold halibut As you’ll soon see, there’s nothing weird going on here – people live boring lives underwater. You have to complete boring chores that remind you of this mundanity, until several plot points occur in the game that foreshadow an impending change in the status quo. First, a detector sent to the Earth’s surface receives information from the Earth.It turns out cold war It didn’t end with a nuclear holocaust and everyone was living a normal life. Second, Harold discovers an alien creature in the water filtration system. Eventually, the Fedora’s energy runs out, placing a limit on how long they can survive. Now things get interesting.
Going through the motions

Or so you would think. Despite the information that could send the entire Fedora population into existential crisis, life goes on. While some actors are trying to find solutions to these new problems, there’s no sense of urgency. For Harold, it’s disgusting that people continue to ask him to run errands, forcing players to travel back and forth to the same few locations. These are still mundane tasks like picking up a medication and delivering it, then retroactively telling the pharmacist that you delivered the medication.this is one of them harold halibutThe most frustrating aspect is the lack of challenge or gameplay variety to keep players engaged. Aside from going very slowly from cutscene to cutscene (even if you hold down the run button), the game offers almost nothing for the player to do.
harold halibut Ostensibly an adventure game, it lacks the type of puzzle gameplay to give players more to do. Harold, and by extension the players, serve only as tools for others. What might work in a different non-interactive medium, such as a claymation film, becomes dull and boring in a video game. There are very few places and very few things to do.half of double fine broken times There’s a similarly cramped spaceship setting, but it’s packed with puzzles to ensure players are interested in revisiting old locations. harold halibut Lacks that.If the game’s characters were interesting enough to push the player through the story, then this wouldn’t be a big deal, but the game’s writing harold halibut Keep falling. Its voice acting is also as stilted as Harold’s slow gait.
While you could see the interesting tapestry of life on Fedora, the games themselves never materialized. The characters are one-note, and their conflicts are constantly tied up in neat little bows that portray each character to near perfection. Even All Water’s corporate stooges are doing the wrong things for the right reasons. The game constantly hints at more complex themes but never approaches them, playing it safe. It’s safe. Even when it does try to surprisingly upend the status quo late in the game, it just timidly dips its toe into the deeper water, not daring to dive in headfirst.
handmade glasses
harold halibut It sounds like a game that doesn’t take too many risks, but it does take a lot of risks – just not in terms of narrative or gameplay. Its art style is its most dangerous feature, a claymation spectacle in which Slow Bros. handcrafted every character, prop, and environment and scanned them into In the game world. Photogrammetry.it gives harold halibut Lacks the unique look of physically computer-rendered graphics. You can tell these are made by human hands and they look amazing. Discovering new characters or environments is a joy because you get to see new ways of making the claymation world.
Unfortunately, because harold halibutWith repetitive gameplay and limited characters and locations, the visual spectacle quickly lost its luster. . Within just a few hours of playing the game, I saw everything it had to offer, and then it became as mundane as life on Fedora. It’s a shame that this beautiful world doesn’t come with a story that makes you want to live in it for as long as possible, because what Slow Brothers achieves is undoubtedly a stunning visual achievement.
harold halibut Launched towards the moon and (despite missing its target) landed among the stars. In an industry that’s increasingly taking risks, it’s refreshing to see Slow Brothers make such a drastic change. I hope this game encourages more developers to push the visual and artistic boundaries in the future.even though harold halibut Not for me, I have to respect its vision.