Developers’ biggest concern is publishers’ move to live-service games

A newly released survey shows that most game developers are not too sure about real-time video games, such as Destiny 2 and suicide squad——represents a sustainable future for the industry and believes that the return of paid DLC may be a better option.

this game developers collective is a group of more than 600 game developers game developer, Omdia and GDC. Earlier this year, these developers were interviewed about the live service game. In this survey, live games are defined as online games with frequent updates and in-app purchases. When asked about always-on games like this, most developers don’t have a positive outlook.

It is reported game developer, 39% of the developers surveyed have “slight concerns” about the current business model of live streaming services. Another 31% said they were “very” worried. Meanwhile, a total of 29% expressed uncertainty or no fear.

When it comes to the impact of live gaming on the industry, 45% have a negative view of these online games, while 44% have a different view. Overall, this is not a strong endorsement of the future of our live services from the people who develop these expensive, time-consuming projects that publishers are asking for.

Developers say live gaming is difficult to support

Research shows developers are most concerned about sustainability. 63% of developers worry that players will eventually lose interest. 62% also admitted they were concerned that other big games would steal their players. The survey also showed: 57% said it was difficult to maintain player interest over the long term.

No matter how a MMO loses players, the end result is rarely good for those involved. The failure and closure of live streaming games could lead to layoffs and studio closures. Since there are only so many players in the world willing to spend time and money on these games, some developers seem concerned that as more publishers adopt a live services model, the endless war for players’ time and money will become Worse.

Interestingly, 30% of developers said their studios are exploring paid DLC again, a type of post-launch content that has become less common during the rise of live gaming. What’s even more interesting is that 76% of developers consider putting their games on a prepaid model instead of free-to-play.

Keep in mind that what developers want to do and how they feel doesn’t matter to greedy publishers and executives who seem to be pushing full steam ahead with live service games, A February survey showed. The survey revealed that there are apparently more than 500 studios developing live online video games.While some have questioned the study’s standards, the fact is The publisher has made it clear The live services model is here to stay, even if this new survey shows developers aren’t sure about the model’s sustainability Turn to forever game Will be at the end.


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