Fallout is a great example of a one-time TV season release

BenDavid Grabinski, one of the co-leads behind the project Scott Pilgrim takes off Japanese cartoonsrecently expressed his opinion on X (formerly Twitter) that there “There’s really no benefit” Netflix’s model releases entire seasons of shows at once.He said, although Scott Pilgrim He did this when it launched on Netflix last year, and he believes this way of releasing TV series is “The stupidest shit ever.” his emotions aroused Various responses online, some advocated for the joy of finding mystery and theory creation when the show was spaced out, while others said they simply wouldn’t finish the show if the episodes couldn’t all be played at once.There are some big franchise shows emerging right now, including Amazon’s fall out and new X-Men ’97 animated series. When everyone approaches television in different ways, discussions inevitably arise about the “best” way for companies to deliver programming, even to my colleague Justin Carter Gizmodo has intervened in the argument fall out Demonstrate why the show should be released weekly. But as someone who spent his adult life disengaged from television in an uncontrollable way, the one-time marathon format actually has a lot of benefits, Mr. Grabinski said. It’s the only way a TV show is compatible with my life.

Release all seasons at once

I haven’t started watching yet fall out Series yet. This is mostly because I’ve always found Bethesda’s world to be rather bland, with lifeless maps for me to run around in. But I could only hear how good it was a few times online and in the office before my curiosity was piqued. Knowing that the whole thing is already on Amazon Prime, I can marathon it through it in a session or two, makes the prospect of checking it out a lot more appealing than if I had to carve out an evening a week for the next two weeks to check it out for several months. It felt more like a commitment than I wanted to.

Growing up, I had more time dedicated to watching live television.When you’re a kid who can’t drive, you sit in front of the TV every night and watch every episode House MD It’s an easy habit to get into when it airs on Tuesday nights. Yet these days, spending one night a week watching an episode of a TV show can be more damaging than spending several days watching it at your own pace. I would rather have a long movie night than spend the next eight to twelve Thursday nights at a show. I don’t even know what I’m going to do tomorrow, let alone any given night for the next six weeks.

Sex Bob-Omb performs on stage.

image: Netflix

Arguments for (and against) weekly episodes

That’s not to say there aren’t benefits to sticking to weekly rollouts, but most of them believe it benefits the company making the product rather than the people watching it. Instead of having a massive online discussion dedicated to you in a month or so, you can have a conversation around your work over the course of a few weeks. Theoretical design and suspense are as much a part of marketing as anything else. If I cared about the company making money, I would also admit that having a show spread over several months is a great way to get people to add another month or two to their streaming subscriptions. Plus, for people with more consistent schedules, dedicating an hour of a given night to a show over the course of a few weeks or months isn’t that big of a ask. That being said, theory building and the uncontrollable need for people to immediately talk about a good episode of television has become a bigger issue to debate in the age of online discourse.

People like to spoil things when they happen. Social media spaces like X (formerly Twitter) and Reddit can also be an involuntary viewing party, with people willing to say anything immediately after something happens in the hope of getting a viral tweet. Sure, it can be fun to watch something with a group of people and react to it in real time, but for those of us who don’t get to see what’s on the internet on TV, there’s a level of respect and etiquette that’s not taught, Maybe there is no will either. This problem wouldn’t be inherently solved by dropping the entire season at once, but it would at least slow down everyone’s reactions and stagger them over a few days rather than creating an “event” moment that everyone feels like they have to post about.

Yes, you can block keywords, but junk will inevitably slip through. Watching the show as it airs has become a competition to see who can post the “best” reaction first, and when someone makes a joke without using a word you’ve muted, onlookers inevitably spot the mistake. If the response is to tell people to stay off social media, then I would say that a general space that people use for other everyday purposes shouldn’t become a minefield that people can’t walk through because it’s a busy Tuesday night.

The X-Men wear basketball uniforms.

image: Miracle

Ultimately, we each have our own lives, and some formats fit certain schedules better than others.but if fall out or Scott Pilgrim takes off I don’t know if I would jump on board right away if it were released weekly instead of all at once. If the point of a weekly rollout is to make each episode feel like an event you need to catch up on and be a part of, then it makes me think I’d rather find something to do that doesn’t feel like they’ve already been away from me Passed.Sure, maybe I’ll catch X-Men ’97 when the full season of the series ends. One of the few beauties of the digital age is that when it’s all said and done, I can go back and watch it in a format that works for me, assuming some corporate fuck-up doesn’t cause it to be pulled before I’m gone . to it. But while Grabinski said there’s “no benefit” to releasing all the episodes at once, all I can think of is the benefit. I don’t watch as much TV as I used to, but when I do watch a show, it’s because I can choose to watch it on my own time, rather than during a designated time slot on a network or streaming service.

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