The Fallout TV show includes a large vault map that you can now view as a cool interactive Google Earth overlay

Warning: There are spoilers for the first season of the Amazon TV show Fallout.

So, unless you’re deliberately slowing down or are really busy, chances are you’ve already had a chance to sit down and watch Amazon’s Fallout TV show. As you’d expect, it comes with a lot of cool background details and references for your friendly neighborhood Fallout nerds, one of which is a large vault map that you can now view in interactive form.

Yes, nestled among a series of small homages to the games that inspired the series, and a series of potential small homages to the games that inspired the series that we probably didn’t even know was supposed to be this way, this There is great temptation for geography lovers around the world. Of course, avid cartographers have done a lot with it.

First up, Fallout content creator Nikki (who goes by Tunnelsnakesfool and is currently working on a master’s degree in geography) quickly decided to flip over a large map of Vault America, which you can see in the background of an important Vault meeting – Tec In the final episode of the show, it becomes something that people can interact with more easily. So she took a screenshot of the map, georeferenced all the vaults it showed, and dragged it into Google Earth.

Thanks to her hard work, you can now download a KML file that adds the vault map to Google Earth as a handy interactive overlay that you can take and use to really understand where each vault shown is located Location. and urban aspects. Once you get the file from Tunnelsnakesfool’s Discord server, you might think it would be fun to display the image in a way that matches Nikki’s Twitter thread, but the points will be plotted regardless.

As you might expect, Tunnelsnakesfool isn’t the only one showing up on the map, as Adam Whitehead (aka Werthead) also used it to modify a very detailed Fallout vault map he made a while ago. This map also includes every other vault confirmed or hinted at in the game, as well as semi- or non-canon sources of Fallout information to date. The vaults from the TV show map have been added in blue because, for many, there’s nothing beyond that. Their plans are now set to begin construction.

While it looks like he still has to go back and recreate a version of the Florida map, there are still some interesting conclusions to be drawn, such as this updated map showing the location of the 122 vaults that are very close to those referenced in non-canon Fallout. Stuff Bible. Mexico and Canada also appear to have at least one vault each, which is quite sobering.

If you’re interested in more fun Fallout content, be sure to check out the big feature we recently put together exploring where the Fallout fandom stands as the TV show airs.

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