Reviews featuring “EGGCONSOLE Dragon Slayer IV”, plus latest releases and sales – TouchArcade

Hello, dear readers, and welcome to the SwitchArcade roundup for April 16, 2024. By most measures, it was a pretty standard Tuesday.I have some comments for you because I took a look at the latest Egg control Release and a little Sokoban style puzzle game. There are a few new releases out there, and they’re all pretty good. I have a summary of all of these and then a general list of new and upcoming sales. These lists aren’t very big today, so don’t get too excited about them. let’s start!

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EGGCONSOLE Dragon Slayer IV DrsleFamily MSX2 ($6.49)

This is wizard’s legacy. You know, NES games. Well, maybe you don’t. Basically, the game was ported to the Famicom and then localized for the West via Broderbund. It’s long been a mainstay in Nintendo Power’s Tutor’s Corner, with readers asking plenty of questions about how to tackle its many tricky parts. It’s a true love-hate relationship for most gamers, with a reputation that ranges from one of the console’s worst games to an underappreciated classic in your library.

You can get the MSX2 version here, which is also our first version Egg control MSX2 released. There are some differences in the room layout compared to the NES version, and it’s entirely a flick-screen design. There are no rolling rooms here. No big deal, really. Although this is an unlocalized Japanese version, most of the necessary text is in get the usual Egg control Options here, including save states, screen settings, button remapping, a small getting started guide on how to play, and a gallery with scans of Japanese packaging and manuals. Unfortunately there are no bookmarks here. If you want to see the whole game, you have to work your way up there.

This will require considerable effort. In this game, you must use the talents of various members of the Drasel family to make your way through a rather large dungeon and slay the dragon that awaits at the end. Each family member has their own unique ability and can equip items that no one else can, essentially giving them exclusive access to certain parts of the map. You must trade between them, collect items, and defeat bosses in each section, each of which will spit out an item that together will allow you to obtain the weapons you need to slay the dragon. Sure, it’s a tall order, but at least you have a save state?

Indeed, in terms of potential language barriers and quirky mechanics, this is one of the more playable RPGs in the world. Egg control The lineup so far.Especially if you are already familiar with wizard’s legacy. But beyond the game itself, there’s a fly in the ointment.That is, the NES version of the game is included in Namco Museum Archives Volume 2 Priced at $19.99 along with 10 other games, this is undoubtedly a superior experience. This means that it’s only wise to pick up this version if you specifically want this game and there’s nothing else included in the Namco bundle, or if you’re specifically interested in this MSX2 game for some reason.

if you love wizard’s legacy For NES and want to try a slightly remixed version, then EGGCONSOLE Dragon Slayer IV is what you want to see.If you are new to this game I might recommend Namco Museum Archives Vol. 2 settings instead. The NES version included is just as good, if not better, than this one, and you get even more games. That being said, it’s not a bad release by any means, and the language barrier is pretty minimal by the standards of these releases. It’s a strange game, to be sure, but not an impossible one to like.

SwitchArcade Rating: 3.5/5

Mimi Cat: Mimi’s Scratcher ($4.99)

Sometimes games don’t need to do anything too fancy to be satisfying, and that’s more or less what I think Mimi cat. This is a fairly simple approach SokobanSokoban style puzzle game. Mimi is trying to reach her scratch in every stage and you need to guide her there. This usually involves pushing boxes and stacking them so that Mimi can fit through gaps or crawl to where her scraper is, with a few stage gags sprinkled in to keep things fresh along the way. It doesn’t do anything new and is very low budget, but if you like these types of puzzles it will satisfy your needs.

SwitchArcade Rating: 3/5

new version

Ground ($39.99)

A survival game developed by…Obsidian? Wow, that’s not what developers normally do, but from what I’ve heard from Xbox players, it’s a really good move. The real question is how well this former Xbox series exclusive will handle the transition to the far less powerful Switch. I wish I could give you an answer, but we didn’t get any early access to the game, so I’m as clueless about it as everyone else. Fingers crossed because it looks like fun!

Lana Planet ($19.99)

If you like atmospheric puzzle platformers like limbo or in, which may appeal to you. Follow the story of a beautiful planet whose natural balance is threatened and ensure it remains in that beautiful state. Well, you know how this sort of thing goes. Explore lovely environments, do some tricky platforming, solve some tricky puzzles, and enjoy the unfolding story. The response to this has been great on other platforms, and I have no doubt it will find a foothold on Switch as well.

Rose and Camellia Collection ($19.99)

Popular Flash slapper from NIGORO, the developers behind the game Ramulana games, come to Nintendo Switch with this convenient collection.You’ll get the first two games, the all-new third and fourth games, and Rose vs. Camellia Ramulana.If you haven’t played these before, they’re kind of like punch holes. You dodge your opponent’s slap and retaliate with a slap of your own. It’s all presented in a very silly way, and while it’s not the deepest thing you’ll play, it’s a certain amount of fun. This Switch version allows you to use motion controls, making the slap feel more realistic. I will review it soon.

sales volume

(North American e-store, US prices)

Well, there’s a new low price commando 3 There.this Duke Nukem Pinball DLC for Pinball M, also. Heck, that outbox contains almost nothing. Maybe we’ll get some big sales soon, but obviously today is a washout.

Select new sale

Pinball M: Duke Nukem Pinball DLC (Previously $5.49 on 4/23, now $4.66)
Summer Confusion: Tilly’s Story ($5.99 before 4/29, originally $14.99)
Sakura Magical Girl ($4.99 before 5/6 $9.99)
eternal night ($11.99 before 5/6 $29.99)
the eternal supreme ($11.99 before 5/6 $19.99)
Commandos 3: HD Remastered Edition ($22.49, starting at $29.99, through May 6)
mediterranean hell ($6.99 before 5/6 $9.99)
Figure 1 + Figure 2 ($9.99 before 5/6 for $39.99)

Sale ends tomorrow (April 17)

RPG Time: The Legend of Wright (Previously $11.99 on 4/17, originally $29.99)
Sunshine Cafe (Previously $13.49 on 4/17, originally $14.99)

That’s all for today, friends. Tomorrow we’ll have more new products, more sales, and maybe some news. I’m a little sleepy today, which seems to be a common problem for me on Tuesdays these days. I really can’t tell why. Anyway, I hope you all have a great day, and as always, thank you for reading!

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