Ashley McGuire: Searching for ‘Charlie’: Massachusetts woman’s online search for ‘ghost’ husband turns internet into detective Top US News

massachusetts woman

A Massachusetts woman’s Facebook post has attracted widespread attention online. (Photo credit: Facebook and UnSplash)

Facebook post Massachusetts The woman sparked widespread interest online, with social media users turning into amateur sleuths. Ashley McGuire On Saturday, she took to Facebook to ask for the public’s help in locating her husband, Charles WithersAfter becoming pregnant, she seemed to disappear. Her motive was to get his signature on some documents before getting divorced.

“This is my husband, Charles Withers. He loves being the center of attention, but I’m not sure how much he enjoys this. Last year, when I was pregnant with our youngest child, he decided to become a husband and father This was no longer the way he wanted to live and he disappeared like a ghost without a trace. He had one child he hadn’t seen in over a year and another he had never met. He moved to the state Somewhere outside, the phone number was changed,” she said.

“He was British, charming AF. He was a chef and probably worked in some hospitality industry. He probably never mentioned having a wife or kids in Massachusetts. If you knew him, if you worked with him , if you are dating him or his friends, please ask him to contact me or let me know where to find him,” she added.

McGuire’s post quickly attracted attention, with many people coming forward with tips and information. One viral video even showed a man who looked like Withers singing karaoke in a bar, although McGuire later clarified that it was not him. Despite the overwhelming response and support, McGuire urged people not to resort to threats, hatred or trying to find Withers personally.

“I’ve got enough information to find him. I have literally hundreds of messages to sort through, some with information and some with support, and I’m grateful for all of them. Single moms are a special group, I know A lot of you have been through the same situation as me,” she wrote.

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