Helldivers 2’s bots have been “eradicated” by players, although a wave of mission-completed crashes should be fixed “soon”

The good news is that Helldivers 2 players have apparently managed to, uh, completely eliminate the galaxy’s supply of angry droids by completing the game’s latest major order. Are they really gone forever? Who knows, but I can tell you that a new patch is coming soon to correct some of the crashing issues affecting later operations.

Yes, although they haven’t gotten any new decrees yet, there is one thing they have done as of April 11th as part of the new Democracy Explosion War Bonds. Things aren’t entirely frosty on the space front, though, as the terminal droids have jumped in as the latest combat threat.

“You did it, Helldiver. Quick disassembly operation successful! With the droids eliminated and the bugs contained, the galaxy is free again.” Arrowhead posted after the fateful order to free Maya, Tibbits, and Durgan was completed There is absolutely nothing fishy about the tweet. While the mission was clearly defined as an “all in” effort to destroy the robots, people were naturally very skeptical that, you know, this had actually been accomplished.

So while a major new order was soon issued to free Hellmire, Estanu, and Crimsica from bugs in order to build new E-710 farms, players are feeling that space is a little too quiet right now. After all, as of this writing, over 70,000 players have made significant progress on Crimsica, and it might not be long before Terminids are in trouble as well.

Therefore, the next evil force to appear will be a big problem. First of all, given all the fun that fighting robots already has, it’s likely that we’ll see the robots return in some form at some point. If they’re going to be gone for a while, though, the Light from the first Helldivers game seems to be what all the teasing is pointing to, as the force could be filling in at least some free space in, uh, space.

Will they? We’ll see, but in the meantime, Arrowhead has revealed that it’s working on removing something else that players have been struggling with. “I’m simply saying that we know a lot of people are currently facing crashes primarily surrounding extraction/mission end,” a community manager named Twinbeard wrote on the game’s Discord server. “There’s a fix coming soon. will come and we hope to alleviate the problem.

“We should have written an article here about this earlier, but for a number of reasons we under-communicated this time. Sorry for that.”

So, that’s it, and hopefully the next update doesn’t add more planetary hazards.

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