New NFT/Bitcoin handheld device may cost $500

Ordz Games launches a new retro-style handheld console game console This will purportedly allow players to earn Bitcoin while playing games connected to the larger blockchain network. The console isn’t available yet, but it’s likely to cost around $500, according to the company behind the device.

Of course, the new hot topic for most big tech companies and Silicon Valley investors in 2024 is artificial intelligence.But there are still some people out there Committed to NFT and cryptocurrencyand blockchain. Even though the stability of all this crap is like a rollercoaster——Bitcoin price Down $5,000 last week– There still seems to be a market for this kind of thing. So say hello to BitBoy One.

Revealed on April 5, bit boy number one is an upcoming handheld gaming console that is also designed as a crypto wallet. It also plays classic games (assuming you provide the ROM) and lets you earn Bitcoin cryptocurrency by playing specific blockchain games. If this device looks very familiar, that’s because it appears to be heavily based on similar retro devices like the Miyoo Mini and Anbernic RG35XX. In fact, bit boy number one It shares many of the same internal specs as those popular mini retro handhelds.However, the cost of these devices ranges between $60 to $100. at the same time, Ordz Games Narrated game beat The BitBoy One is likely to cost around $500.

“This device is deeply rooted within Bitcoin,” said “entrepreneur” z3th, the man behind the device. “So the whole design language, the naming, is Bitcoin. It’s all going to be accompanied by a 3D rendering of the physical device, which will be an ordinal.”

What are ordinal numbers?Well, here’s how game beat Describe them:

Serialization is a method of creating Bitcoin NFTs by attaching data such as images, videos, etc. to a single Satoshi (the smallest form of Bitcoin currency) on the underlying Bitcoin blockchain.

Apparently, these Bitcoin/NFT hybrids have been around since January 2023 and will become a key part of BitBoy One. The creator also claims that you will be able to mine Bitcoin with the device, but he admits that you won’t actually be able to make much money with the puny BitBoy One.

“The mining capabilities of physical equipment are very, very weak. Mining takes years,” z3th said. “You’re not going to make real money from this. But it’s for fun.”

If a lot of this sounds a little hollow and unspecific, that’s because –As with most blockchain products and initiatives– It’s all very vague. Z3th made a lot of promises about using the device to make money, Bitcoin, and ordinal numbers. They say it can also mine coins and become your wallet. And there will also be multiplayer support and the ability to play old games with friends to earn cryptocurrency. But there’s no specifics on when the BitBoy One will be available, how much it will actually cost, or why most people are willing to pay $500 for this device when similar retro handhelds cost less than $100.

Maybe I will be proven wrong and this device will be incredible and make me a believer in NFTs and cryptocurrencies. But uh, I won’t be pre-ordering it anytime soon.


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