How to give Odin the hit he deserves

final fantasy is a series known for its epic summons, which are god-like entities that aid you in battle. rebirth Introducing a number of classics that you can earn by defeating them in Chudley’s Battle Simulator. One of them is Odin, who is known for his ability to quickly end battles with just one attack. He can do this to your party when you try to defeat him to claim his position. Summoning materials.

Not only is Odin able to instantly end the fight with his Zantetsuken attack, he can also real Powerful and can easily take out your team if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there’s a clear strategy for defeating him. Let’s review here.

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For the love of Earth, don’t fight Odin with all your might

To quote OG Barret, “Don’t get your spiked ass hurt.” There really isn’t a good reason against any call, not to mention Odin, who, aside from the bragging rights of a trophy, is at full strength. Make sure you scan all Summoning Crystals in the designated area of ​​the Summon (Nibel in Odin’s case) to weaken it in Chudley’s Battle Simulator.

He likes pain, so give it to him

Odin put up a tough fight.But even if you get the proper upgrades and specs, there’s something else wrong with this madman: He’s easy to get boring Yours if you don’t turn him on.According to his evaluation menu, you need to use ATB attack, apply debuffs to him, and dodge his attacks to please him. If you take too much damage, he’ll end the fight with Gjallarhorn’s Warning, then finish it off with Zantetsuken.

Odin is annoying at close range and can easily knock characters back, which will negate this significantly ATB capability If you’re not careful. Ranged warriors come in handy here. Barret and Yuffie, especially Yuffie in my opinion, did a great job in this fight. Be sure to utilize Yuffie’s elemental ninjutsu attacks, as well as her Art of War ability to get up close and personal. Aerith is also worth considering, especially with her Radiant Ward and Arcane Ward abilities active.

Ranged warriors can also fully increase ATB within a certain range.If you are like me and prefer to rely on Synergy skills To increase your ATB, melee moves like Spell Blade and Power Cleave are harder to land (especially Power Cleave, since you need to be close). Rely on remote synergy skills, but make sure to use your ATB abilities as soon as possible.

Quick dodge and debuff

If you’re going to do a melee attack, choose a character that you can block, parry, and dodge easily. I like Tifa for this reason, as I find her dodge glide to be fast should also have Debuffs like Deprotect and Deshell Get ready to rock as they’ll keep Odin in the fight and are less likely to pop up Zanteken.

Maybe be prepared to die

When the characters fight Odin, Odin casts Gjallarhorn's Warning.

screenshot: Square Enix/Claire Jackson/Kotaku

If you saw Odin activate Gjallarhorn’s Warning, you’d probably be screwed, but the situation isn’t exactly able If you’re ready, use this as an opportunity to launch an all-out onslaught of ATB attacks. But if you’ve been taking hits and don’t feel like you’ve taken any hits from our ominous horsemen, go ahead and start the fight again.

Still, even if you’re at the highest level and have great materials, Odin can easily chew up health even on the lowest difficulty. My personal approach is to equip every character with healing and resurrection materials throughout the game. This means each character can quickly transform into healer mode if things get dire.If this isn’t your style, be sure to protect characters with these traits Healing and recovery materials equipped. You’ll most likely need it.

All that being said, the more damage you take, the more likely Odin is to end the fight early, so try to minimize the damage you take.

Odin is a tough fight, but his material is well worth the effort as he’s very powerful in combat and will give any character he’s equipped with some nice stat boosts.


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