Snyder Cut 2? Justice League director thinks he can ‘fix’ critically panned ‘Pretty Girls’

Guys, he’s trying to do it again: Zack Snyder hopes to do it again with his critically acclaimed 2011 film sucker Punch.

Whenever people talk about Sucker Punch, the only thing people really mention is how bad it is. I’ve never actually seen this movie, but my general consensus is that it’s an occasionally cool-looking but boring movie without any characters or engaging plot. Overall, this doesn’t sound like a movie that can be fixed with re-edits, but Snyder doesn’t think so. The Justice League and Dawn of the Dead director recently spoke to Empire magazine in a major new interview, and he was asked if there was anything he would change about any of the films, but the only thing he mentioned was The one we arrived at was “Pretty Girls”.

“The only movie I wanted to change was ‘Girls’ because it was never really done right,” Snyder said. “Even the director’s cut isn’t really the correct cut. It’s really just an extended cut. I would fix that movie if I had the chance.” Snyder didn’t seem to go into detail about how he would fix the problem, but apparently There’s more in the movie that was never released that would have allowed him to do that. “I’ve shot the footage: they just let me put it together. Every now and then we ask. We have to ask again. I think there has to be a window when no one gets the film.”

Of course, it’s no secret that Snyder had the chance to re-edit the similarly poorly received Justice League movie, which he originally directed but had to leave midway through production, only to be replaced by one of the most insufferable directors ever. One Joes replaced. Whidden. Fans then campaigned for the “Snyder Cut” of Justice League, which was generally well-received by fans upon its release. At this point, Snyder also said of Sucker Punch that if fans “want to start a campaign, that’s fine,” although to be honest, I doubt we’ll see as much enthusiasm.

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