The internet for everyday things and work

By Mr Abrasina P

The Internet of Things (IoT) is ushering in a new era of unparalleled global connectivity. If we look at the numbers, we can see the magnitude of this change. When we dig into the statistics, the magnitude of this shift becomes apparent. As the global population continues to grow, the number of connected devices has grown exponentially, heralding a new era of connectivity. This article explores the current overview of the impact of the Internet of Things on our lives, transformative industries, and the significant changes it is bringing to the work environment.

The current world population, which reaches 8.1 billion people, highlights the potential impact of connected technologies. There are 11.7 billion connected devices worldwide, from smartphones and wearables to smart home devices and industrial equipment. Experts predict that there will be 75 billion connected devices in the next five years, which is even more astounding than predictions.

Have you noticed a significant increase in the number of connected devices around you lately? This includes various appliances in your home, such as TVs, air conditioners, fans, smart lighting, smart locks, etc. Do you remember the last time someone from the electricity department came to read the meter?

In the workplace, apart from computers, have you ever observed various devices like coffee machines, refrigerators, surveillance cameras, water pumps, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, etc. transformed into communication devices? The proliferation of connected devices has given rise to countless applications, even extending to items such as jackets, personal protective kits, chairs, and more.

Several factors have contributed to the proliferation of connected devices. Innovative business applications, plug-and-play IoT modules that can be integrated with any product, expansion of wifi sites, and improved mobile coverage at higher speeds have dramatically increased people’s ability to access technology. Powered by the Internet of Things (IoT), these technological innovations are paving the way for changes in our daily lives, our work, and our interactions with the world around us.

Major industry changes

The Internet of Things (IoT) is impacting many different sectors that are undergoing transformation, leading to more creativity, sustainability and efficiency.

The once futuristic idea of ​​the “smart home” is now a reality. With more connected devices, you can manage your home appliances, security systems and energy consumption like never before. Smart lighting systems and smart thermostat controls are just a few examples of how IoT can enhance home security, efficiency, and convenience.

Vehicles with built-in network connectivity (V2X): V2X communications are rapidly gaining popularity in the automotive industry, enabling vehicles to exchange data with each other and the physical world around them. This paves the way for smart traffic management and driverless driving as road safety improves.

In the medical field, wearable sensors and technology are causing seismic changes. Internet of Things (IoT) technology paves the way for early diagnosis of health issues, personalized treatment options and continuous monitoring of vital signs. This not only reduces pressure on the healthcare system but also improves outcomes.

Smart cities hope to maximize management efficiency through the Internet of Things (IoT). Smart traffic control ensures better traffic, smart lights reduce energy consumption, data-driven waste management is implemented, and monitoring systems improve safety. The end product is a city that is vibrant, environmentally friendly and focused on the needs of its residents.

IoT in Industry 4.0: The fourth industrial revolution is defined by the use of digital technologies in production processes and is called Industry 4.0. The Internet of Things (IoT) can enable more efficient and effective predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring and data-driven decision-making across multiple industries.

The new skills paradigm and its impact on employment

The widespread adoption of IoT across industries is changing the way we live and work and reshaping the work landscape. The advent of IoT has reduced the need for manual operation of equipment, impacting the roles in day-to-day management, maintenance and support. Despite fears that automation will lead to job losses, the reality is that as some jobs are lost, new ones will be created. Design creation, new product development and implementation of IoT solutions offer numerous career opportunities. However, the surge in demand is accompanied by changes in skill requirements.

In the past, knowing the basics of a product was enough to land a job. However, integrating technologies from different fields requires a broader set of skills. In the automotive industry, for example, professionals need to understand not only mechanics, but also how sensors collect data, transmit it to the cloud, and process the data to improve efficiency. The connected nature of devices requires employees to understand the complex workings of the Internet of Things.

Employment opportunities and necessary skills

Teams and individuals who can manage and execute Internet of Things (IoT) projects are critical to smart grid, smart home, and industrial environments. The National Smart Grid Plan approved the deployment of 230 million smart meters, providing opportunities to more than 25,000 people. The entire IoT ecosystem tends to create millions of jobs in the following areas:

  • IoT Hardware – Manufacturing
  • IoT Software Application Development – Software Professionals
  • IoT Services – Deployment, Resellers, Technicians (maintenance and support of IoT)
  • Cybersecurity – Cybersecurity professionals are in high demand. As the number of connected devices increases, so does the potential for cyberattacks.
  • IoT Skills – Learning and Development – ​​This creates opportunities for individuals already exposed to IoT to upskill.

Experts in data science and construction see the vast amounts of information being generated by connected devices. The explosion of data requires the expertise of data scientists and architects who can analyze and derive meaningful insights. Billions of data points require professionals who can make informed business decisions based on massive amounts of data.

Keep moving forward at the frontier of IoT

As we stand on the edge of a connected future, it’s clear that the Internet of Things has the potential to change everything. From connected businesses improving efficiency to smart homes improving our daily lives, the impact is huge. The workforce must be prepared to adapt to the changing labor market and succeed in the Internet of Things (IoT) era. In addition to helping create a smarter, more connected society, embracing these changes will open doors to career opportunities. Innovation, expansion, and a workforce ready to face the problems and seize the opportunities of the Internet of Things era await us on the road ahead.

(The author is Subburathinam P, Chief Strategy Officer of TeamLease Services Limited. This article only represents his personal views)

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