The first AI-generated romance movie looks terrible

TV manufacturer TCL announces the launch of its first original short film——Next stop Paris— and excitedly confirmed that it was made using artificial intelligence-generated tools.However, they don’t need to tell us this, because that awful trailer makes it clear that most of the images in the movie are AI generated hallucinations.

April 12, TCL releases its first trailer for the first time Next stop Paris, debuting an original work. TCL calls it a “romantic short film” that will be available later this summer on TCLtv+, its free streaming service set to launch in August 2023. According to a press release from TCL, the film is produced by a “global production team” of animators, visual effects experts and artificial intelligence engineers. Apparently, the short film’s script was not created using artificial intelligence, but was written by TCL’s chief content officer and chief creative officer. Which would explain why the writing is almost worse than the actual visuals…almost.


The trailer is Next stop Paris Embarrassingly bad. I can’t imagine seeing this and saying, “Yeah, upload it to YouTube and keep spending your money!” In the trailer, the main characters – a man and a woman who meet on a train to Paris – have faces that seem Constantly changing, their expressions change from shot to shot.

We also see horrific views of Paris, with crumbling buildings, smudges representing ships, and the Eiffel Tower, which looks like someone had it drawn by a drunk man with a marker.

Screenshot of Paris from the AI-generated trailer.

screenshot: TCL/xiaozhai

Maybe my favorite thing Bad AI images It’s shaped like a clock, with two 3’s on the face but no 2’s.It also has random number-like blobs around its outer edge, as if the AI ​​thinks there are should The numbers were there but given up.

Screenshot of a poorly rendered clock in the AI-generated trailer.

screenshot: TCL/xiaozhai

“The special was produced by a global team including artists from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Poland, [who] TCL said in a press release announcing the film that they are driving creativity and enhanced storytelling by combining technology and high-quality design animation with traditional storytelling.

According to the company, the short film was produced using real voice actors and motion capture, but was modified and “life-like” through “artificial intelligence animation technology.” TCL also says this is just the beginning, an experiment if you will. It claims future productions will include “guild writers and actors” and even “major Hollywood talent.” I think we all have dreams.

This is some unedited word soup from TCL that ironically feels like it was written by artificial intelligence.

The AI ​​technology used to create these characters and fictional worlds enables creative teams to push boundaries and inspire audience experiences, while also creating new opportunities for marketing partners. Launching original titles helps drive market advantage in a noisy environment full of content options, and the IP has many applications across the platform, from interactive components to sponsored elements and more.

I personally can’t wait for a future where every major company decides to use some AI tool to make a crappy movie to appease shareholders and convince them that they’re hip and ready to jump on all the latest, hottest trends. The world of technology. I’m waiting for the horror movie from Samsung and the political thriller from 7-Eleven.


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