Super spoiler alert, Amazon’s Fallout TV show rather unsubtly teases potential premise for season 2

Warning: Major spoilers for Season 1 of Amazon’s Fallout TV show ahead.

Well, Amazon’s Fallout TV show is finally here, and it’ll either air on the night of April 10 or in the early morning hours of April 11, depending on where you live. Since all the episodes were dropped at the same time, as modern series often do, some people naturally watched it in one sitting, or at least finished it well.

As those who made it all the way to the finale (probably with bags under their eyes) discovered, the show ended with some setup for season two, one where a certain location was the thing you cared about most. It can be very exciting.

correct, This is the final spoiler warning. Still there? OK

This is New Vegas, a beautiful neon-drenched desert oasis that serves as the backdrop for the ultimate nuclear weapons dating sim.

Basically, right at the end of the series, keep things vague to save yourself, someone is seen walking towards a city with a very familiar tower and prosperity, and that’s it. Nevada is a top destination for those shot in the head by men in plaid suits.

So what does this mean? Beyond that, New Vegas could appear in the show’s second season — assuming it does end up happening, as current signs seem to indicate — we don’t know. Given the nature of the show, there’s a good chance we’ll see many other familiar locations throughout the Mojave Desert, though given that the show is set in 2296, a few years after the events of 2281 New Vegas.

Hopefully my courier boss will build an independent New Vegas after killing Mr. House with Fat Man and accidentally murdering 90% of the NCR and Legion members in the area, because I’m bored and want to collect all the coffee mugs in the wasteland for Written by Muggy, an old world blues band.

If you’ve watched all the episodes of this show multiple times, firstly, maybe it’s time to go to bed, and secondly, you can check out some of the thoughts one of us here has on it. Oh, and be sure to check out this very interesting hypothetical Fallout 5 promo we got from former Bethesda artist Jonah Lobe.

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