Daisy Ridley Is Excited About Her Star Wars Solo Movie, But She Didn’t Commit Right Now

Daisy Ridley will return as Rey for upcoming solo concert Star Wars character, but she clearly didn’t sign up right away.

The new Star Wars trilogy is always going to cause some controversy, no matter how good the movies end up being, because Star Wars fans can be, perhaps to put it slightly unkindly, a bit annoying. I get it, you love this vast universe full of wonders! But you can stop complaining about The Phantom Menace now, it’s actually not that bad. Looking ahead to her next role as Rey “with eyes wide open.”

“I think I feel more like I have it. I think I have it for the first time. Basically, I’m an adult now. I certainly didn’t feel like an adult at the time. Obviously, for me personally , things have changed, and professionally, I’ve had a lot of other experiences, so I definitely feel like this is a different thing.” Ridley still has a passion for these movies, and despite all the dialogue (and harassment) surrounding him, he “I have a lot of fun with these movies. Honestly, I wouldn’t be doing it if I wasn’t excited, and it feels great to be a part of it,” he said.

Speaking to Empire , Ridley apparently hasn’t read the script yet, although he will soon, and is “curious about it all.” Interestingly, though, the actor didn’t immediately join the project, although she said returning to play Rey “wasn’t a hard decision.” “I didn’t say yes right away, Kathy. [Kennedy] It’s like, ‘Take as long as you need. ‘” Although Ridley did explain that it didn’t take long to join, saying, “Why wouldn’t I? [do it]? Yes, they caused division, but they also brought a lot of love and joy to a lot of people.

“It feels so great to be able to continue playing a character – like, can I even remember how to play her? As an actor, it’s great to go back and try to figure out what’s changed for me and what’s changed for her What has changed, it’s an interesting challenge”.

While we still don’t know much about Rey’s movie, Ridley has previously said that it will take the Star Wars universe in a “different direction” and that it will be “so cool.”

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