Airline passenger’s coat faux pas sparks heated debate online

“A very old woman got on the plane in a wheelchair, she was with a family member (possibly a son) and two airport workers lifted her into the middle seat,” the Reddit user wrote.

“I actually had to leave my platoon to make room for them,” they explained. “Then her family started putting her huge jacket on the seat to make her feel more comfortable, and the result is what you see here.”

While the family did their best to make the family comfortable, in doing so they completely obscured the screen of the middle seat passenger behind them. According to the poster, the affected passenger “said she wouldn’t say anything, so neither did I. But sadly, all she could do was scroll Instagram and text during the entire 4-hour flight.”

“This really triggered me,” one Reddit user commented. “No one is that ignorant and this is intentional, nothing convinces me otherwise. They are counting on the people behind it to be passive…” one Reddit user commented.

“People live their lives in their own bubbles,” another added. “I would put all my yogurt in that hood,” wrote one less familiar user.

While the original poster and screenless middle-seat passenger didn’t dream of confronting the old lady, not all Reddit users are as passive as they are.

“What’s wrong: “Sorry, your jacket is blocking my screen. Can you reposition it? ” one user asked.

“Excuse me, could you move your coat? Thank you,” another said simply.

The original poster said they hoped the flight attendant “would say something because no one would say anything to an elderly lady in this situation. But I also feel bad for the middle passenger who was put in an awkward situation.”

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