Yoko Taro explains why he envies ‘Starblade’ and its director

similarities between NieR: Automata and Shift Up’s upcoming PlayStation 5 exclusive game, Star Bladeis obvious – not just because The former inspired the latter. Both games feature women piecing together a world as it collapses, making the two sisters a sister of sorts. As is always the case between sisters, jealousy breeds beneath the surface.for NieR: Automata Director Yoko Taro, at least, admits to being jealous Star Blade and its director.

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exist a very cute new IGN interviewtaro and Star Blade Director (and Shift Up CEO) Kim Hung-Tae talks about their games and how they influence each other. During part of the conversation, King was asked if it’s possible to be business-minded when developing games. In this regard, he said that he was “not particularly talented as a businessman”, but chose to focus on “[making] What I like and what I believe players will like. ” This seems to arouse Taro’s jealousy in E minor.

“So you make games as an artist, don’t think too much about business, and still have your own company with 300 employees, whereas I’ve been thinking about business and don’t even have my own company yet?” Taro said. “It’s weird… I guess it’s because I was a slave to Square Enix for years. Or I guess I should say I was enslaved to Yosuke Saito, Neil‘s producer. It’s all his fault! Ha ha. “

Even though this is just a paper interview, you can still feel Hyungtae blushing in his chair.Yoko Taro, one of the most legendary directors in the gaming industry, not only said Star Blade is “than NieR: Automata,” He also expressed his jealousy of Jin as a businessman and artist. Of course, Hengtai did not take all the credit on himself. He said that many people helped him during his efforts. “[walks] Say hello everywhere and pretend to be a professional. ” Jin also wanted to know if what Taro said was an admission of being “a little dangerous.” It seemed that Taro didn’t mind at all. In fact, he was very candid throughout the interview.

However, the admiration between the two creators goes both ways, with Kim once saying that while Star Blade While getting inspiration from Taro’s works, he also felt that there were some aspects that his own efforts could not compare with. “I was inspired NieR: Automata In a lot of ways, it’s hard to point to one specific thing,” he said. “I absolutely loved playing the game, and of course I saw all the endings. However, I couldn’t do anything similar because of Yoko-san’s gift for storytelling. “

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Star BladeWill be launched on April 26th, it is a new hot topic sweeping the Internet, largely due to The protagonist Eve and her fashionable clothes.yes there is Skin set This leaves her nearly naked, but Eve will also undoubtedly inspire a new wave of cosplayers, as NieR: Automata Protagonist 2B It’s been like this since 2017. So maybe the two sisters don’t need to be so jealous of each other.

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