Internet radio built into a charming cassette tape form factor

Today you can listen to a large number of radio stations. There are also many options, including AM, FM and digital radio stations. However, if you want the widest possible choice, then you need internet radio. If that’s your bag, why not create a fun one like this? [indoorgeek’s] Newest design?

The build is based on PCB and 3D printed components, loosely mimicking the design of a cassette tape. It even uses a transparent OLED screen to replicate the cassette’s typical center window that displays the user interface. The graphics on the display are cleverly designed and line up with the graphics on the PCB and look great.

The ESP32 is at the heart of the entire operation and is responsible for streaming audio over the internet via a WiFi connection. It is powered by a small lithium polymer battery and interfaces with the MAX98357 Class D amplifier driven via the chip’s I2S hardware. Audio is played through small speakers salvaged from old smartphones.

While it’s now obviously possible to play any game you like on your smartphone, sometimes it’s fun to have a simple device that does a single job. Plus, we can’t deny that this project looks pretty neat. Video after the break.

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