Baldur’s Gate 3’s next patch is set to be released this week, and hopefully it’ll stop Minthara from randomly deciding to spoil a big reveal

Warning: There are spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3.

Can you please take a look, another patch for Baldur’s Gate 3 has been released and Larian says it’s expected to arrive this weekend. It has been revealed that it will fix one issue with Mintara, but players who enjoy traveling with the Deluxe Drow are hoping it will also fix another, more annoying issue.

Yes, with the arrival of Patch 6 and all its new content (some of which has to do with kissing people on the fly), we’ve made some hotfixes that address a bunch of issues that cropped up. Unfortunately, the slightly evil-looking yet hilarious Minthara has a problem, it manages to fly under the radar.

“Our next hotfix is ​​undergoing final testing and we aim to release it this week,” Larian tweeted about the upcoming update, adding, “In addition to other fixes, Hotfix 20 also addresses Minthara sometimes stops paying attention to party issues. [acts] 2 and 3. ” It also refers to Minthara as “Minty”, which I take as a nod that I can start referring to Astarion as “Astaquafresh”.

Interestingly, it also revealed in a tweet from the actual Larian Studios account that the patch will be released on Xbox at a later date due to “some stability issues on the platform that were discovered upon submission.”

While we’ve been told that a bug with Minthara will be corrected, people on the Reddit BG3 subreddit reacted to the news in the hope that it would nip in the bud some issues with her dialogue activating at the wrong time. A few people seem to have been reporting this issue happening to them since patch 6 was released, and basically it involves Minty randomly deciding to talk about certain things at the wrong moments to break your immersion.

Based on the few posts I’ve found about this bug, it basically lets Minthara start posting the same few lines about the emperor in situations where she shouldn’t. This is a particularly big problem with the dialogue potentially triggering before you meet him in the game’s third act, as it essentially undermines the reveal of his true nature by simply having Mintara end up at the end of the series Shi blurted out what she should have said. event.

So, unless you’re willing to accept the idea of ​​Minty as some sort of meta-warning about your future, it’s a bit of an immersion-breaker. Hopefully Larian has put this on the fix list for the next update, since it still seems to be bothering a lot of people.

In other BG3-related news, we also recently confirmed that mod support for the game is on the way, so don’t be a jerk to Larian with mod-related questions.

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