The internet is divided on the hand-raising roller coaster

If you’re a seasoned Disney adult (guilty), you’ve probably witnessed the fair debate within the community. Ask any Disney fan what the best roller coaster is, or whether Pirates of the Caribbean or The Haunted Mansion is the best ride, and you should have hours of good old-fashioned debate on the topic.But beyond these good-natured disagreements, there are strong Thoughts on basic theme park etiquette. Recently, Disney World pass holders got into a heated discussion on Facebook about a specific topic: Is it rude to raise your arms while riding a ride?

While not necessarily a new topic, this particular topic brings up some really passionate points. Some commenters think raising your hands is rude because it means you’ll be blocking the person behind you from the ride photo, while others think raising your hands is just basic roller coaster behavior. So, which one is it?

Show of hands debate

I started my investigation by reaching out to some more specific responses on my own social media. I ended up receiving dozens of responses from many people, including theme park regulars and infrequent visitors. The vast majority of people who wrote in did not think it was rude to raise their hands and it was something they would naturally do on rides.

I spoke with Molly McCormack of the Mammoth Club, and she agreed with most of the responses I received. “I’m all for good riding etiquette, but this feels a little extreme,” she shared. “The purpose of riding is to have fun!”

Now, while most people seem to be in the pro-show-of-hands camp, I do get some contrary responses.Several people wrote in the sharing that although they understood The urge to raise their hands, if they or their children are obscured in ride photos, can have a significant impact on their trip. After all, this expensive trip could be a once-in-a-lifetime trip for many, making the ride photos an important keepsake worth owning and keeping.

In that camp, there are those who think it’s okay to raise your hand on some rides, but not others. For example, several people mentioned that on a roller coaster they saw no problem with raising their hands – even during key photos. However, for slower-moving, less thrilling rides like the family-friendly Frozen, they understand the frustration of someone raising their hand while taking a photo.

Where you sit is also important. There have been some comments that raising your hands from behind is fine, but passing the ball in front is difficult because you block other people.

How to make sure you take good cycling photos

However, if a good photo is one of your top priorities, then sitting somewhere might be your solution.McCormack shares a helpful tip for your next ride: “If taking a good photo is important to you, you can always affectionately Ask the actor to sit in the front seat of the car. They don’t always accommodate, but if you ask politely they will usually do their best. “

Other theme park etiquette to consider

While the internet may be divided on whether raising your hands on a ride is rude, there are some established rules that most people can agree on when it comes to theme park civility.

For one, using flashlights while riding in the dark can be extremely disruptive to other cyclists. “Please don’t use flash lights on dark rides,” Molly shared. “Your photos won’t even come out very well – Imagine engineers deliberately designed the rides to be dark, carefully choosing what you see (and what you don’t see). You’re also ruining the experience for those around you .All the photos and videos you want; just turn off the flash and turn down the screen brightness.”

As for the hands-up-or-down debate, the internet is still divided over whether this can officially be documented as bad behavior by a theme park.A quick Google search will tell you this is no This is a first for theme park fans, and we highly doubt it will be the last.

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